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"I'm home!" Kuroo called, opening the door as he stepped in changing taking off his shoes. Y/N beamed to hear his voice and went downstairs to greet him, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"How's work?" Y/N asked while Kuroo wrapped her arms around her and kissed her forehead.

"A little tiring..." He mumbled as he placed his head on her shoulder. A giggle come out from Y/N and helped him sit down on the couch while she prepares his favorite food.

"I made this for you. I had free time since my meeting got canceled and I also get to go back home early which is why I'm here right now." Y/N said and placed the food on the table.

"Arigato~" He grinned and stuffed the food into his mouth. Y/N sat beside him and enjoyed her food. After he finished munching down his food, he wraps his arm on Y/N's shoulder. Y/N leaned closer to him, resting her head on his chest.

"Since you're here now, do you want to go on a date?" Kuroo asked. His eyes sparkled with excitement from the word 'date'. Y/N raised her brow on him with a little smile on her face.

"Right now?" She asked, he nodded. "Alright, let me get ready first." Y/N stood up and went upstairs. Kuroo is already ready, he wore his new outfit that Y/N loves to see. He smirked at himself and waited for his girlfriend.

Y/N wore decent clothes that were also comfortable for her. She did her hair that Kuroo loves and did a little touch on makeup (I don't know if you love makeup or smth but I'm sorry, I don't like makeup :/ ). She took her bag and went back to Kuroo.

"Always beautiful." He said and took Y/N's hand, pulling her away from the house and locked the door. Y/N looked around the area as Kuroo guided her to where they're going.

"I guess our date is a little walk in the park, huh?" Y/N asked. She didn't mind it, she preferred to be alone with him than going out with a bunch of people from different places for their date. Kuroo nodded at her sensing that she likes it.

"How's brother doing anyway?" Kuroo asked, to start a conversation as they walked along the path with beautiful flowers.

"He's doing fine, after our reunion with the previous team. He was proud to see Hinata grown up along with the others." Y/N said.

"Ah! I remember, Bokuto is also on the same team. MSBY Black Jackals, right? Along with Sakusa and Atsumu from what I know." Kuroo said. Y/N nodded.

"It's pretty sad that the crazy duo has separated. Kageyama is at the team Schweiden Adlers, along with Hoshiumi and Ushijima." Y/N said.

"Well, I guess time flies," Kuroo said. "What about the others?" He asked while buying some ice cream that both of them passed by.

"My brother is the head coach of the volleyball team...Coach Ukai is the vice coach...Daichi is the police, Sugawara is an elementary school teacher...oh! Tanaka and Kiyoko are married!" Y/N smiled while Kuroo widened his eyes from the news.

"Really? That's surprising, that's good for them." Kuroo said giving her favorite ice cream flavor. "So that means, both of them had feelings for each other before?"

Y/N shook her head. "Umm...from what Ennoshita told me...after Tanaka met Kiyoko, he immediately asked her to marry her." Kuroo looked more surprised than ever. "Kiyoko turned him down, then for some reason, after all of us graduated, I heard the news that both of them were a couple now and married." She said.

"Perhaps, she fell in love with him too after," Kuroo said.

Continuing the conversation, Kuroo led Y/N to his secret place, on the cliff. Fences were added for everyone's safety and a bench was added as well.

The view was beautiful, the sun was setting and Y/N sat beside Kuroo, who was finishing his ice cream that they bought earlier.

"They found what they wanted to do in their future. I'm glad for them and to my previous teammates too. Maybe Nekoma should do a reunion too." He said while watching the sunset. Y/N nodded at the idea and slide closer to him just so she can cuddle.

Y/N noticed Kuroo looks deep in thought. He was shaking a little. Y/N got worried and placed her hand on his, squeezing it to comfort him.

"Is there bothering you...? You can tell me." Y/N said. Kuroo smiled at her and shook his head.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you, kitty." He said. "I have been planning to tell you this but I can't seem to find the right time since both of us are busy at our jobs." Y/N tilted her head and watched Kuroo stood up.

Wait, wait what- OH GOD don't tell me! Y/N freaked out inside.

Y/N watched Kuroo as he bends down on one knee, grabbing a small box in his pocket as he opened it, revealing a ring.

"Y/N Takeda, will you marry me?"

Y/N placed her hand on her mouth as tears started going down. She smiled at him widely knowing what answer she's giving.


She tackled Kuroo, wrapping her arms on his neck while Kuroo laughed and caught her before both of them land on the ground.

After sliding the ring on Y/N's ring finger, Kuroo placed his lips on hers holding her tightly. "You don't know how happy I am right now." He said, realizing that he was crying as well. Y/N smiled as she wiped his tears away and pecked his nose.

"I love you, Y/N." He said

"I love you too, Tetsurou." Y/N said.

Kuroo leaned down to her ear.

"Does that mean we can finally do it?" He purred at her, making Y/N blush as he smirked at her.

"H-H-H-H-HAAA!?" Y/N screamed and covered her face to hide her red face.

"Don't worry! I'll use protection so your brother won't kill me!" He said.


~fin~ ;)

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