I got dressed and went to the great hall. Obviously, the best people to talk about this dream were Harry, Ron and Hermione, but I didn't want to. I shook this thought out of my mind and went to the Slytherin table to eat breakfast.

,,(y/n)?" Cedric looked down at me.

,,Hey, Cedric!" I smiled happily and pulled him down to sit next to me.

,,Um, I think they wouldn't be happy to see me at the Slytherin table." He pointed at the Slytherin boys, who scowled at Cedric.

,,I don't care what they're thinking." I smiled. He made me so happy. I forgot everything when i was with him.

,,What are you Hufflepuff doing here?" Parkinson took a seat across from me, and Malfoy across from Cedric.

,,None of your buisness, Parkinson." I scowled at her and she became quiet.

,,I- I wanted to give you something." Cedric gave me a little box.

,,Cedric, what's that?" I asked excited.

,,Just a little gift." He said calmly.

I opened it and there was a necklace in it. It was a little yellow heart, which had the letter 'C' on it.

,,You're mine." Cedric whispered in my ear, while he looked at the necklace over my shoulders. I could feel Parkinson and Malfoy's eyes piercing my head, but didn't look at them

,,Could you please?" I lifted my hair and gave him the necklace.

As Cedric put the necklace on my neck, my eyes met with Malfoy's. He looked quickly away and then he threw his arm over Parkinson's shoulders.

,,Oh, Draco..." Parkinson blushed and I rolled my eyes.

,,Done" Cedric said.

,,Thank you so so much!" I pulled him into a hug.

,,No problem." He smiled.
,,Um, I'm sorry. I would like to continue sitting, but I have to go." He looked over to the Hufflepuff table.

,,Oh, ok. No problem, go." I smiled and he kissed the top of my head.

,,Love ya." Then he left.

I looked at him until he reached the table, turned myself back and smiled at my food.

,,Dracie? Could I feed youu" Parkinson leaned over to him.

,,Parkinson!" He looked disgusted until he saw me looking at them. His facial expression changed and he seemed like he calmed down.

,,Not now, love. Later, ok?" He kissed her on the cheek. Parkinson blushed and Malfoy looked at me to see, if I had watched them.

As our eyes met I looked at my plate immadiately and pretented not to have seen anything. He knew that I saw him. I lookee at him, without moving my head and caught him smirking. I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

I walked to my next class, took my seat between Hermione and Harry and put my books out.

,,What is that?" Hermione touched my necklace.

,,Oh, um... a gift from Cedric." I smiled at it.

,,What? How cute!" Hermione looked at me

,,Oh, the professor's comin' " she hit me  with her ellbow slightly.

The half of the class, I wasn't paying attention, until everyone started to write.

,,Um, Hermione, what exactly are we doing now?" I asked her. She kept writing and wanted to answer but got interrupted.

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