See If I Give a Fuck

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Hey you litte cutie,
This poem is kind of snootyy.
It's not for a guy, but for a girl.
I'ma go ahead and give this poem a whirl.

It's not secret or game.
In fact it puts me to shame.
He treats you like some broken toy,
You know I'm tryna steal your boy?

But of course you do!
Isn't that why you're so rude?
See if I give a fuck little bitch,
Because one day he'll dump you in a ditch.

Not for me, not for her.
But because you're covered in fut.
See if I give a fuck you little freak.
He'll dump 'cuase you're such a geek.

I'm wasting your time?
But it's not for you it's for my rhyme.
See if I give a fuck.
Zada right now you're out of luck.

A/N: So now you guys know Zada's name. I hope she's reading this. Or someone she knows personally. Fuck it, I hope even her boyfriend gets these... Peace y'all. Much love

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