Chapter 8 - The Stranger and the Shark

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I'd already been shaking my head as Renge spoke, and set my teacup down with a clatter. Of all things, I really hadn't wanted to talk about them today. Or the accident. "They've broken into my house before," I explained, trying to keep my tone even and my heart rate at a calm level, "They've attacked me. They've followed me places. Home, school, the mall, sets... and they've gotten away every time." Renge's hand tightened on mine, and I squeezed it back, surprised at her kindness when we'd only just met. "I guess I'm just used to it. But I'm not going to stop living my life because some creep can't stop fantasizing about me. That's his problem."

Kyoya's brow furrowed and he pulled out his phone, fingers flying across the touch screen. "I can have someone from my family's personal police tail you, ensure your safety when you're not with Mori and Hon-"


He froze, and I could feel his gaze boring holes through my skull. "No?"

"No," I repeated, staring at my half-drunk tea. I already felt like a freak. An animal in a zoo, always on display. A doll to be looked at but never played with. A trophy for my parents, their actress daughter who got better roles than either of them and never broke a rule or talked back. "I don't want to owe you anything else, Kyoya. I'm fine. Everything's fine. Just..." I stood and cracked my neck, draining my teacup in one chug, "Forget we had this conversation. Sorry. " I left to grab my things and called Ellis to pick me up.

Little did I know, Renge and Kyoya sat silently for a long time, the two of them watching the door long after I'd left. "You should still send the Black Onion Squad," Renge muttered finally, her fingers tracing the rim of her teacup. She tore her gaze away from the door to watch outside, looking for a distraction. "I have a feeling."

Kyoya nodded, tapping away on his phone. "I agree." He didn't like keeping secrets from Michiyo so soon in their friendship, but...

It was for her own good.



I looked up from my place in the library, finding Haruhi hovering over my shoulder with a grin on her face. "You were in deep. Whatcha working on?" she asked, making herself comfortable in the empty chair at my side.

Stretching, I frowned and groaned, "Precalculus homework."

"Gross," Haruhi agreed, pulling out a textbook and her notes. "Hey, did you hear about this talent show that senpai cooked up for Friday's host club? What are you going to do?"

Talent show?

Knots of anxiety twisted my stomach, and I shivered. "No, I hadn't heard," I moaned, rubbing my temples. Friday only gave me three days to rehearse something or whip something up. Dammit.

"He just sent the text like half an hour ago, so I wasn't sure," Haruhi said, "Sorry."

Resting my head in my crossed arms on the table, I let my eyes drift closed. "It's fine. I'll think of something eventually... What are you going to do?"

Haruhi leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't know yet," she confessed, running a hand through her hair. She chewed her lip as she thought about it and said, "Cooking is really my one talent besides, like, knowing commoner stuff, if that even counts."

I laughed, which seemed to put her at ease. "I'm sure you could cook something, Haruhi," I said, "The FACS rooms have those portable kitchens with the mirrors overhead? You could whip something up in front of everyone. None of those rich kids know how to cook; It'd be like magic to them."

"Hey, you're right," she laughed, holding her stomach, "I totally should."

We sat there laughing for a bit and joking about what I should do for my part of the talent show before turning back to homework. My phone vibrated in my pocket just as soon as we got started, and I pulled it out to find a ton of missed texts, including the one from Tamaki about the talent show.

But there was another one from him that simply said: I have an idea.

Oh no.


Oh, sweet girl.

You've come so far.

I'm so proud of you...

Someday soon, you'll be mine.

And the rest will be history.

I'll show them all...

That our love is unquenchable,



A/N: A talent show? Tamaki acting sus? That's bound to be trouble, right? 

How do you feel about the new cover? Excellent, right? I love it! 

See you next week, friends!

BLOOM [OHSHC]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora