09: bob newby, superhero

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"We're too late..." Mike's words made cassie feel sick. 'All those men...' Cassie clenched her fists in anger.

"What the hell?" Bob questioned after hearing the alarm.

"Why didn't you let us through? We could've warned them!" Cassie screamed at the guards. Mike grabbed her hand and they ran back into the room with Will and Joyce.

"What's going on?" asked Joyce.

"We're under attack." Mike told her. Cassie looked on the counter and saw a needle. She picked it up and read the information, then handed it to Joyce.

"What? What is this?" she asked, looking down at the needle in her hand.

"We need to make Will fall asleep." Cassie told her.


"He's a spy! If he knows where we are, so does the shadow monster." Mike told her.

"He's lying!" Will screamed from his bed.

"He killed those soldiers, he'll kill us too!" Mike continued. Cassie nodded frantically. They were wasting time.

"Joyce, do it!" Cassie told the woman.

"He's lying! He's lying! He's lying! He's lying! He's lying!" Will shouted hysterically. Gunshots sounded around the floor that they were on, and everyone looked down the hallway.

"Those are gunshots!" Bob exclaimed.

"No shit! Now put Will to sleep or I'll do it myself!" Cassie told both the adults. Will was still screaming the whole 'he's lying!' thing.

"Okay, Will, listen. Do you know who I am?" Joyce asked her son. He didn't answer. "Do you know who I am?"

"You're... you're mum!" Will finally concluded. Joyce looked torn.

"Hold him down." Joyce instructed Bob. Will continued screaming whilst Cassie pressed her ear against the door. All she could hear was the alarms and other chaos. Will's screaming finally came to a stop and Cassie backed away from the door. Hopper and Doctor Owens burst through the door, everyone turning to face them. Everyone heard growls in the distance. The monsters were making their way through the wooden door that was usually guarded by the soldiers. Except it had now been deserted.

"We gotta go. We gotta go." Hopper told everyone. He scooped Will who was now fully unconscious into his arms and ran out of the corridor, the adults following. Mike grabbed Cassie's hand again.

"It will be okay. I promise. Stay close to me." he told her. She nodded and the pair made their way into the hallway as well. They ran the opposite way of the doors, screams echoing throughout the entire building. The group came to an intersection, and one of the monsters pinned a soldier down. Cassie gasped whilst Hopper stood in front of them all, shielding the kid's view. Gunshots were ringing throughout everyone's ears, making Cassie wince as the sound rattled her eardrums. Hopper turned the handle of a random door and everyone huddled inside the room, securing the door behind them. They'd entered the security room, and Cassie looked on the cameras positioned on the wall. She felt dizzy. All the screens showed numerous dead bodies, and at least one of those creatures. Cassie stumbled backwards, hitting Mike's chest. He turned her around and hugged her tightly. Cassie sobbed into his chest whilst silent tears rolled down Mike's cheeks. Joyce kneeled down beside them both and checked that they were okay. The lights flickered before cutting off completely, and so did the cameras. Cassie held onto Mike tighter as the darkness surrounded them. The screeches from the monsters could still be heard.

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