03: ghostbusters

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Cassie waved goodbye to Bob as she stepped out the car ready for a new day at school. She saw Will, Dustin, Mike and Lucas by the bike rack. I mean, it was hard to miss them. They stuck out like a sore thumb in their Ghostbusters costumes. She suppressed a laugh as she walked up to them, singing the Ghostbusters theme tune, causing Dustin and Lucas to grin and Mike to frown.

"You do realise that nobody else is dressed up, right?"

"We've established that." Mike said, obviously not happy that she was there.

"What are you dressing up as later?" Lucas asked. "Maybe you could match with us too and be the Marshmallow Man!"

"Funny. I'm going as a cat. Bob helped me with it. It'll do for the night."

"You should come trick-or-treating with us." Lucas suggested, causing Dustin and Will to nod and Mike to shoot him a glare. "And invite Max too!"

"Party members only!" Mike reminded, causing Cassie to frown.

"I'm sorry Cas." Will started.

"Just this once Mike? Please?" Dustin asked. Lucas also nodded, giving Mike a pout.

"It's fine guys. It isn't anyones fault that Mike is just a selfish bastard that doesn't care about what his friends want. He can't help putting himself and his unnecessary hatred for me first. I understand." Cassie said shortly, throwing Mike a sweet smile that widened when he scoffed and walked off. Will's eyes widened, and he hurried after Mike.

"We're meeting at the Maple Street cul-de-sac at seven." Lucas told her. "You can come. Me and Dustin want you there. Will too. Invite Max."

"Mike is just a piece of shit recently. Don't worry about him." Dustin added. Cassie scoffed.

"Mike doesn't concern me. I'm concerned for you guys and Will. Hanging around with Mike must do some real damage to your sanity. And hey, why don't you guys ask Max yourselves?" she said, causing Dustin and Lucas to burst into excited chatter about Max coming with them.


After school, Bob and Cassie rushed over to the Byers household to get ready for trick-or-treating. Bob helped cassie suit up into her cat costume, and she helped him with his transformation into Dracula. Bob was currently showing Jonathan and Cassie how to use a video recorder, whilst Joyce lectured Will on his safety. Soon enough Will and Cassie were in Jonathan's car on their way to Maple Street. Cassie hopped out as soon as the car came to a stop, and let Will talk to his brother alone. She approached Mike, Dustin and Lucas.

"Hey guys! Dustin, Lucas, you guys look just as great as you did earlier. And Mike, my favourite party member. You look Dashing!" Cassie joked.

"You look great too Cas!" Dustin said, Lucas also nodding.

"'Cas' isn't meant to be here!" Mike huffed. Cassie turned and saw Will walking towards them with Jonathan.

"Too bad your friends prefer me to you." Cassie retorted, linking her arms with Lucas and and Dustin, causing them to nod teasingly.

"Let's just go." Mike sighed as the three skipped ahead.


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