The accident Part 1

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I was on my way to see my family I haven't seen them in awhile

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I was on my way to see my family I haven't seen them in awhile. I thought I could take a vacation to see them I mainly wanted to get away from people mainly my friends and School.I was in school and my friends kept spreading a rumor about this boy named Jack. I didn't know who this guy named Jack was it was like he was a ghost. The next day, I went to school it was really quiet besides my annoying friends. They kept talking about this party Jack was throwing. I didn't pay attention my friends wanted me to go and that is when I decided to go see my family. I said no then I went home and packed my stuff and got in my car I didn't like planes so I took a car. I loved the view!

While I was taking a road trip I enjoyed the view and I listened to my favorite music. My music stopped I tried fixing it. CRASH! My life flashed before my eyes! A car hit me I forgot I was driving when I was trying to fix my music. My head had blood all over it and my outfit was bloody. I was in a lot of pain.

I saw the ambulance they got me out the car and put me on a white bed

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I saw the ambulance they got me out the car and put me on a white bed. My head was still bleeding, I had cuts near my throat my clothes were bloody.My eye was messed up. They called my mom when they saw me all bloody my mom tried pulling my hair back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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