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AUTHORS NOTE!!! I deleted a chapter it was so cringy and crappy and it was highly insensitive so here's my summery cuz I'm lazy and this fic is discontinued :) and im writing it in a funny way now)

(Kokichi got home and his dad became a judge on a kokochis head smacking it with a lamp while his mommy was having a "disagreement" with him trying to keep her wittle bwaby kokichi swafe)

3rd person pov

"Uh...hey Kokichi, are you... doing okay?" Shuichi asked very concerned. Kokichi didn't say anything, but then he started crying out of nowhere.

"H-hey Shuichi...."

"Yeah what is it?"

"Can I stay at your house tonight...I- I no it might be a bit weird but... I just don't feel very safe... Going home... Tonight" Oma said with frequent pauses

"Of course you can stay, just please tell me what happened. You don't have to but I don't want you to bottle up your emotions."

"O-okay and thank you so much Shuichi i-it really means a lot to me"

They kept walking and then they heard a voice shout

"ah KOKICHI!" Oma turned around and saw Maki.

"Oh...MAKI!" Oma cried back

"Where were you?!" Maki said eventually catching up to the two boys

"I was walking to school with Shuichi" somehow oma was able to stutter a lot less whenever he was with Maki. Maki then glared at Shuichi, like she was going to strangle him.
She then let out a sigh

"Alright fine, just at least let me walk with you too."

"Oki dokie" shuichi replied

Then they all started laughing and continued walking

(Hello this is the author again... I've been meaning to write this for a while I wrote it inside a journal first but then I completely forgot about it so yeah I know I'm writing it. Anyways I hope you're having a great morning/day/night)
Word count 266

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