Chapter Thirteen

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"Mike hurry up! We need to be ready when Aaron gets here in ten minutes!" I shout over music to Mike who's taking forever to take a shower.

"I'll be out in a minute babe," he says. My phone starts ringing, so I leave the bathroom.

"Hey, Samantha!" I say.

"What are you up to?" she asks, her voice indicative that she isn't feeling the best today.

"Actually, my friend Aaron is about to be here with his kids. He's been having a hard time since he got divorced, so we invited him for the weekend," I explain. There are a few moments of silence before she responds.

"Oh okay. I'll just talk to you later," Samantha says.

"Wait, why don't you come over?" I ask her. I think she could use some company right now.

"Um, okay sure. I'll see you in a bit," she replies.

"Great! See you soon," I say and hang up the phone.

Mike comes into the living room finally. "Who were you talking to?" he asks.

"Oh, just Samantha. I invited her over," I say.

"Cool. Maybe her and Aaron will hit it off," he says with a laugh.

"I hadn't thought of that, but maybe. If he could bring out her soft side, especially," I say. They are two of my best friends and I don't really think they'll hit it off but who knows.

Mike changes the subject as he helps clean up before our friends arrive. "Remember when we found out about Bennett for the first time?" Mike asks me. I'm not sure what made him bring it up, but it makes me laugh.

"Oh yes. I was so sleepy and grumpy during those first few weeks of pregnancy," I reply.

"You were," he says with a laugh.

"Hey come on. You are supposed to be say 'no babe, you were absolutely delightful as always'," I say with a fake angry face.

"You said it first," Mike says with a smirk. "No really though it was a great night. The second greatest night was the night we-"

"Michael James Ross!" I scold him with blush. He just leans in and kisses me.

"Katrina I'm home!" Mike says as he enters the house. She's laying on the couch asleep and he walks over to her quickly. She never takes naps. "Baby wake up," he says and looks around for Taylor. He finds her happily playing with toys on the other side of the couch and smiles at her. Katrina starts to stir on the couch.

"Hey sleepy head," Mike says and moves to sit down next to her.

"Mike hey. What time is it?" Katrina says while she yawns. She's been exhausted lately.

"It's after 6. Are you okay?" He asks her, putting the back his head on her forehead to see if she's maybe running a fever.

"I don't know. I never fall asleep during the day," she replies while sitting up.

"I know. You've seemed kind of off lately," he replies. Katrina gets out her phone and looks through her calendar.

"Shit," she whispers. "Shit. Shit. Shit."

"What?" Mike asks trying to look at her phone, but she gets up before he can. "Where are you going?"

She walks down the hall into the bathroom and shuts the door.

"Katrina open up, please," Mike says. He doesn't understand why she's shut him out. They've been married for 4 years now and have a three-year-old. He's seen her at her worst before. It's a few minutes before she opens the door. He barges in and paces the room for a moment before she speaks.

"Mike?" Katrina says to get his attention. She moves her hands from behind her back and shows him why she came into the room by herself.

"You're?" He asks excitedly.

"I'm pregnant," she confirms.

"You're pregnant. You're pregnant! We're having another baby!" Mike says and gathers her in a bear hug.

"We're having another baby!" Katrina says. Both of them smile wide and go back into the living room. Mike picks Taylor up and holds her close.

"I cannot believe you are pregnant again," Mike says to Katrina as he passes Taylor to her.

"I've been wondering if maybe since I've been feeling so weird lately, but I guess I didn't think I could actually be. This is good, right? I mean we are ready for another baby, aren't we?" Katrina asks. She and Mike certainly didn't plan on having another kid yet, but Taylor is three and they are financially ready.

"Yeah of course, babe," Mike says and kisses her softly. "I'm so excited!"

"Good, me too. I love you, Mike. And I love you, Taylor!" She says and kisses her on the cheek. Taylor responds with a mumble that sounds something like 'I love you' and they all smile.

"Love you both. Actually, you three," Mike says. They settle down on the couch for comfortable night in talking about their future.

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