Chapter Two

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The party is booming with our family and friends. Donna and Harvey are in the corner of the yard talking closely with each other and Donna is holding Bennett. They are finally a couple and they are a great one. When we had Taylor, we asked them to be her godparents and they obliged even before they were together. We just knew they'd be together eventually, everyone did.

On the opposite edge of the yard, Louis stands with his fiancée, Sheila, who's pregnant with their first child and Alex Williams. Louis often asks me and Mike for advice about being a parent. We never really know what to say other than to love them with everything in you. I know Louis will be a great father. He's such a passionate man.

"This is crazy, huh?" my sister, Jennifer, says interrupting my thoughts. She throws an arm around my shoulder and I wrap mine around her waist.

"In the best way, yes. I really never thought I'd be at this point in my life, but I am so thankful I am," I say scanning the crowd again. My eye catches Taylor, in her bright red dress she demanded she was wearing today, running around with a few of her friends.

"I'm thankful you are too. You deserve this happiness, Katrina. You really do," she says and gives me a nod. She moves to go talk to my dad and I walk towards Mike, who's talking to Harvey now. Before I get there, Louis fades into view. He wraps me into a hug before I can say hi.

"You are magnificent, Katrina. Absolutely the best!" he says and holds onto my shoulders.

"Thanks, Louis," I say even though what he said was completely unexpected. He is acting so strange. I know he's proud of me and he likes me, but he's not usually so forward with it.

"I just wanted to make sure you know. Also, I'm stressed about being a father and I know I've been bothering you about it a lot lately. I'm just very thankful for you, is all," he says quietly and earnestly.

"Louis you are not bothering me at all. I am so happy for you and Sheila. And you are going to be a fantastic father. I know that for sure," I tell him as I look him in the eye. He shoots me a small smile and I excuse myself to look for Samantha. She's been very elusive since earlier today and I don't see her in the crowd anywhere.

I walk to Mike instead, "Have you seen Samantha?" I ask him urgently.

"No. I'm sure she's around. You want to do the cake now?" he asks. Shit. For a moment, I forgot what the point of all of this was. I've been doing that a lot lately.

"Yeah, okay. Let's do it," I say back. Mike moves me to the side and looks at me closely with his wide eyes.

"What's happening? You don't seem okay," he asks me and lightly grabs the sides of my face with his hands.

"Everyone is just acting weird. Louis and Samantha. It's like they know something we don't," I confess to him.

"I don't know, babe. But we'll figure it out later. Right now, we've got our beautiful daughter to celebrate," Mike says with a smile. He pulls me close and kisses me slowly. And probably a little too long since we're in public, but I don't pull away.

"Ewwww," we hear little voices say and we back away from each other. The kids disperse, except for Taylor. She must sense it's time for cake and presents.

After the party, I find Samantha inside the house sitting on the couch. "Hey," I say to her, "is now a good time to have that talk?"

"Oh yeah. Sure. I guess so," she says reluctantly. I can tell it's not the best time, but I need to know what's going on.

"What's up? I'm worried about you," I tell her honestly as I sit down next to her.

I see something happening to Samantha that I never thought I would see. A single tear begins to run down her face as she looks at me with heartbreak in her brown eyes. It's a dark scene as she just lets the tear roll down her face. She finally opens her mouth to speak.

"Katrina I can't do this anymore," she says quietly but firmly. I have no idea what she is talking about.

"What? Samantha what it is that you can't do?" I ask her.

"I can't keep up this... this façade anymore. I am so damn sick and tired of being alone. That's why I came here early today. I just... I don't know. I needed to be with people who care about me," she confesses.

"Okay, Samantha. Come here," I say to her and pull her into a strong embrace. I hate to see my friend like this. And I know exactly how she feels. It's exactly how I felt right before everything came together with Mike six years ago. Samantha cries in my arms for a few minutes before she sits up and looks at me again. I give her my best "you're not in this alone" smile.

"Why don't you stay here with us tonight? I'm sure Taylor would just love to have a sleepover with her favorite Aunt," I ask, and she smiles at my suggestion. "I'll take that as a yes."

Later that night, Mike and I are finally getting to bed after trying to get Bennett to sleep for a couple of hours. Luckily, Taylor went to sleep immediately knowing that Samantha was sleeping over and the quicker morning came the quicker she would get to see her again.

"So, can you tell me again why Samantha is staying the night, babe?" Mike asks me as we get under the covers.

"She really needs friends right now, Mike," I tell him, but I see he is still confused. "Remember when I said I needed to talk to her?" he nods and I continue, "She was a mess. Like more of a mess than I could've imagined her being. But it wasn't a weak-driven mess. No, she was finally being strong and asking for help."

"And how can we help her?" Mike asks.

I sigh. "Mike I don't know honestly," I am getting upset now, "I just know that I once felt that way and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. So, we have to do something."

"I see," he says and pulls me closer to him. I am instantly calmer at his touch. "We can think of something to help her. She'll be okay, I promise." I lift my head off of his shoulder and look him in his stunning eyes. Tonight, they are soft blue, and I know he means what he says.

"I love you so much," I say and crash my lips onto his passionately. Between kisses he murmurs that he loves me too. 

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