1. Miss You (edited)

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-shit maybe I miss you-
              Louis Tomlinson miss you

(Louis POV)
Louis had been waiting weeks for Harry's next postcard. He was worried that maybe he wouldn't get another. The last one he had received was still on his mind, did Harry really miss him? Did Harry like him? It was too much to process.

  He looked out the window to get a glimpse of the peaceful view, and that's when he saw him

He sat up so quickly it made him dizzy, but he fought through it and ran downstairs. Almost tripping and falling to his death on the way down, he didn't care though all that mattered was that he got to the door.

He was downstairs and out the door before Mr. Maclean could even get to the B&B.

"Hi Louis, how are you?" He asked, with a worried tone laced in his voice.

"I'm good, any mail?" Louis frantically asked as he fiddled with a rubber band on his wrist, just like Harry used to do. It was a habit he picked up. He would fiddle with it anytime he thought of Harry. (which was almost 24/7)

"Yeah yeah, you got another postcard from your nice little admirer" Mr. McLean chuckles while Louis give a halfhearted giggle, just wanting to get the postcard.

Louis snatches the card out of Mr Maclean's hand and runs back upstairs before he could even get the rest of his mail. He didn't care if that was rude, all he cared about was reading that card. Louis heart dropped when he read it, a tear trailing down his cheek.


I know it's been a while since I've been in contact, and it will be a while until you get another card. My album dropped last week, great right? I'm super excited for it, but that also means I have to prepare for my tour. It's starting January 2020 so I won't have time to send any postcards until the tour starts, and I'm afraid I'll be too busy while on the tour. I hope you can forgive me.

Always was and forever will be yours,
x H

Louis didn't know how to feel. He missed Harry so much, and without his cards he didn't know what he would do...

Until it hit him

Harry was going on tour, TOUR. That was the perfect way for Louis to see harry, without Harry knowing, of course. Louis pulled out his computer and thought long and hard about what to type, he had promised Harry he would never google him, and he didn't want to break that promise. He couldn't break that promise. He ended up with "Harry styles new album tour tickets" and it worked out. No news about harry or who he was, just a simple link to buy tickets. Louis didn't exactly know what "Stubhub" was, but he considered it to be reliable enough. 

    What he wasn't prepared for was the price, $379 for front floor tickets, a good deal, but still more than he had to splurge. He wanted, no he needed the best spot, right next to the stage...the best view of Harry. He bought the ticket. He didn't check where the ticket was for, all he knew is he was seeing Harry again, he can figure out all that fancy stuff later anyways. He just clicked on the only place with front row tickets left available, and that's all he needed.

    After that, he cut down on everything. He had no more guests so that also meant he had no more income. not only did he just pay for that ticket, but he had to pay for a plane ticket to wherever the fuck he was going, and he has bills to pay at the B&B.

    He bought less food, which meant he had to eat less too. He paused on all his repairs and sold extra things he didn't need. Louis picked up little jobs, like walking dogs, or running errands for the busy people in the village. It's not like he had much to do anyway, he was lonely at the empty B&B. In the end he barley had enough to pay for everything, with only a few dollars to spare but he managed to get the money he needed. 

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