Things about you

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Camila Fonollosa , a 27 years old half  Spanish and half Romanian ,aspiring  economist that graduated from the University of Barcelona.

She's popular for helping some people with their data and maximising their profits, everyone loved her in University ,shes very kind and calm.

As soon as I graduated I was looking for a job to
get away from a toxic friend as soon as possible,
i wish i never met her.

Two months of searching I found a good paying job that pays the money for my rent .I went in for an interview and a few hours later i got a call saying i was accepted as the assistant of Arturo Roman !
I had read about him and he seem like a nice guy ,i think this job is going to be good for  me after everything.

The Royal Mint is the place of my dreams where i am finally working after all my effort.

My first following week , i felt good this position that they had gave me ,but Mr.Arturo can be a bit of a dick . Anyways, i got to work with Mr.Arturo's secretary hence i even had the privilege to call him by his first name .
After a few months i found Arturo and Monica having sex in his office , as soon as i saw them i dashed to my office trying to analyse what i just saw ,i really felt bad in a way because Arturo's wife came in the other day and bought in sandwiches for everyone besides she did say some really nice stuff to me it's just the loyalty that was broke by him in a filthy way that made me angry. Anyways after that happened Arturo came to me and told me to keep it a secret ..
As long as i kept my mouth shut, i was good to go.
Nevertheless Monica was my friend and i could see that she truly is inlove with Arturo.

1 month later

Today was a normal day at the mint,everyone that i had worked with were precise and joyful which made me enjoy my job even more.

Screams filled the bank , i watched people run around like crazy having no clue what was happening .
But then I instantly saw 4 people dressed in red suits with masks and guns.
Panicking,i sprinted to the exit as my life flashed before my eyes. As I was ran bumping into someone realising it was one of them..

They aggressively grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall i shut my eyes and started thinking about everything good that ever happened in my life after that i felt a cold hand stroking my red cheeks whipping the tears away ,my heart was hammering in side nearly breaking my ribcage.

"Take a deep breath and come with me" i stared at him in an angry way to try see who it was under that mask then shoved my arm away from him but he still managed to keep his grip on my arm and pulled me back and leaned towards me saying

"Don't even try" in a aggressive way

"Walk to the hall everybody!"
He took me to the middle of the mint where everyone kept at.
Two of the masked men stood and 1 of them walked through the rows looking and counting the hostages ,us.

Two of the masked men stood and 1 of them walked through the rows looking and counting the hostages ,us

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Little bit later we heard echoes through hall ,then Something caught everyone's attention...

Thank you guys for reading this far i just started writing this so next chapter might be in a while, please comment your thoughts so i can improve. Thanks again❤️❤️

Assistant y berlinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ