Draco- Chapter 9

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It is the best I've slept in a long time. 

I wake up as the sun streams in through the blinds, deliciously warm and cozy. I feel fresh and happy for some unexplainable reason, and I don't care what it is, I just want to stay like this. 

It's then that I feel something warm and soft next to me.


Oh crap.

I quickly check under the covers, and heave a huge sigh of relief. 

I'm still fully clothed.

I stiffen. 

Hermione is still fully clothed.

I relax.

You don't need to worry Draco, I tell myself. Nothing happened.

But I can't help thinking about it.

About her.

I gaze over at her now, still sleeping peacefully, her lips curved up in a small smile. 

Stop it Draco.

I observe her small frame shift, her striking figure, her gorgeous hair, fanned out on the pillow.

I can't be attracted to her. 

My arms are wrapped around her, and she is gripping my forearm firmly, as if she is cuddling it somehow.

I don't want her to let go.

Father would kill me if he could hear me now. 

I hate this.

I hate that Hermione is so kind, so patient.

So beautiful. 

I hate that I have feelings for her.

I hate that I am a Malfoy.

I hate that I exist. 

She stirs in my arms. I go rigid, at a loss for what to do as she snuggles deeper into the cages of my arms, seeming content. Despite every fiber of by being knowing that I need to walk away right now, I can't help watching her, entranced. 

When did I develop feelings for a mudblood?

I instantly feel bad.

I shouldn't call her that name.

What is happening to me?

When did this happen?

WHY did this happen?

Was it living with her that made me feel like this?

Or were these feelings creeping in long before I realised?

My mind is a jumble of unanswered questions, and I just need to think. I push Granger away from me, and it must be rougher than I intended, because she instantly jolts awake, her eyes wide. 

I feel bad for scaring her.

But it needs to be done.

Because no matter what I feel, this can't happen. 

I would die before I allow it. 

"Wha-?" she says, rubbing her eyes sleepily. 

I can't help myself taking in her beauty, her startling features, even in her rumpled clothes from yesterday, which hug her gorgeous figure. 

Wait, gorgeous?

I need to stop this. 

I feel numb, as if the infinite happiness I felt only minutes ago has been sucked from the world. 

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