Daily Prophet Rumours

Start from the beginning

"She's our little star, literally." Peter said. "Our favourite star."

"Um... excuse me." Sirius said.

"Shush, flea boy."

"Oh that's rich coming from someone who's a literal rat," Sirius hissed.

"Well at least Filch didn't try to kick me out of the castle."

"At least I didn't start the Black Plague,"

"I thought that was something your family started," Ast said.

James's eyes widened, Remus held back a laugh, Peter's mouth fell open and Sirius looked like he had been punched.

"Eat your dinner, Nott," Sirius mumbled.

Asteria laughed as she stuck her fork into her chicken and brought it to her mouth.


The next day, the whole team gathered at the Quidditch tent before the match.

"Okay team remember, stay focused that's the key to winning. And Ast, we're counting on you so please don't mess this up." Ralph said.

"Easier said than done," Ast muttered.

Her eyes caught on to outside of the tent. It seemed that the whole school was there ready to watch her play. She gulped and turned back to Ralph. James had given her at least a hundred pep talks before they arrived at the field and had given her a hundred more as they were getting ready.

"Come on it's time to go," Ralph said, checking his watch.

They exited the tent and walked onto the pitch. The crowd went crazy and the sound coming from them was deafening. Madam Hooch told them to mount their brooms then blowed on her whistle. They all kicked off into the sky and the game began.

Ast flew high above the game to try and get an aerial view. This was the best chance she had at finding the Snitch. Unfortunately, the Ravenclaw seeker had the same idea as her and now they were both surveying the game below like hawks as well as giving each other death glares.

"Welcome to the Quidditch final!" A familiar voice boomed into the microphone.

Ast looked down into the teachers' box and found Sirius holding the microphone, accompanied by a very uncomfortable looking McGonagall.

"Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw! Gryffindor team experienced an unexpected change in team members so now Asteria Nott will be filling in for David Parker today."

Ast looked back down at the game to find a Ravenclaw chaser with the Quaffle.

"Ravenclaw has the Quaffle but wait, the one and only James Potter has snatched it from them and is now advancing towards the goal. Come on James you can do it and- HE SCORES! That's 10-0 to Gryffindor!"

Ast smiled.

Well done, Prongs. She thought.

She resumed to looking for the Snitch. She needed to find it, the whole team was relying on her. She continued to look for a few minutes but couldn't seem to find it.

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