Cat Fight ~ Heidi Volturi

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Imagine Demetri has a little sister and Heidi doesn't know.

Artemis sat in the gardens enjoying the warmth of the day due to the high walls that surrounded the palace. She was the reason the masters built the walls in the first place, they didn't like her going outside and sparkling like a disco ball all the time. The skirt of her gray dress was spread out covering her legs that were tucked underneath, as she constructed a flower crown for Jane. She always thought the high ranking guard looked prettier when she had a flower in her hair.

Unbeknownst to Artemis, Felix was looking for her in the castle. He felt cheated when she won the Just Dance competition that was held the past week, earning the title of champion from him. He went to all of her usual hiding places, the private study of Master Marcus, Caius's art studio, the tower that held the queens, he even checked the human lounge! Sighing, the prized fighter leaned against the wall, contemplating where his short friend could be. His ruby colored eyes drifted to the window across from him.

"Another sunny day," he grumbled, he despised the Italian sun. What vampire in their right mind would like being outside where they would sparkle like a jar of glitter? He stood straighter, the answer coming to mind, of course Artemis would. He took off to the gardens.

Felix wandered around the bushes of flowers, marble statues, and water fountains that made up the gardens looking for her. He silently scolded himself for not thinking about this sooner, most of the time when she wasn't sent on missions she could be found amongst the flowers. He soon found the beauty sitting in the grass her olive skin sparkling brilliantly and her sandy blonde hair flowing around her due to the breeze.

Artemis was already aware of her friends presence, but didn't look up to acknowledge him. "Good morning Feli."

Felix squatted beside her, "Morning cheater."

A smile made it on her angelic visage as her golden eyes looked over at the burly vampire. "I won fair and square it's not my fault you don't know how to lose."

Felix playfully growled at her, "Rematch?"

"I'm only going to win again," she joked.

Felix helped her up and both raced to the guards lounge. On the way she saw the other prized tracker, Demetri. Next to him, stood the wicked witch herself, Heidi.

"Hi Demi," Artemis said as she approached.

Demetri looked up just in time as the other tracker and Felix passed him. "Bye Demi."

Heidi glared at Artemis as she ran by. It wasn't a secret Heidi liked the casanova. The succubus would scare off any woman who tried to get close to him, but obviously Artemis didn't get the memo that he belonged to Heidi because the other tracker always came back.

She didn't like that anytime the higher ranked guard came by Demetri's attention would go to her. She was definitely jealous that he called her when he was away on missions or when he came home he brought gifts to her. Not to mention she always being in his room, on his bed, watching tv with him when neither of them had guard duty. She absolutely hated Artemis for those reasons. If she only knew that Demetri was the older brother of Artemis.

Demetri excused himself from the conversation he was having with Heidi and gave chase. He was so fiercely protective of his baby sister. After all she were his only living family left and he never forgave himself for taking her hunting with him that day Amun decided to turn both of the skilled hunters. He stayed around his baby sister to keep the other male guards away. He always saw the way they looked at his sister and hated it. Only two of the guards were trusted around her, Felix and Alec. Both of them were intimidating enough that no one even thought about looking at her while Demetri was away on a mission.

Felix and her made it to the lounge and started up the game. Soon enough the trio were laughing at her older siblings commentary as she and Felix danced to the song, Tik Tok.

"Artemis pulls ahead after a flawless twist," Demetri spoke, one hand on his ear and the other holding a rose like a microphone. "Never mind about that her rival, Felix, just pulled ahead."

The song finished shortly there after Felix winning the round. "And the crowd goes wild," Demetri announced and started whisper yelling like a stadium full of fans.

The joyful atmosphere was short lived as Heidi walked in staring daggers at the blonde beauty. Man if looks could kill Artemis would've been killed on the spot. She crossed the room in a second and stood in front of the forever teen, she finally worked up the nerve to tell her to stay away from the other tracker.

"Listen here little tracker," the enchantress stated, venom oozing off of title, "stay away from Demetri."

Artemis's perfect eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "What are you talking about?" she questioned.

Heidi's red eyes darkened a growl escaped from her, she was so close to ripping off the blonde vixens head. "I know you are fooling around with Demi," Heidi spat.

Artemis looked over at her brother and their best friend before she broke out into laughter. Heidi couldn't possibly be that dumb, right? Her hypnotic laughter was short lived as Heidi sent her crashing back into the bar and the mini fridge that held the blood bags the guards used for mix drinks.

Demetri and Felix moved to grab Heidi but they weren't fast enough. Before either men could register what was happening Artemis was on top of the enchantress beating her into the ground. Heidi managed to get out from under the angry tracker but Artemis had her pinned against the wall within a few seconds.

A threatening growl resounded from Artemis as she held Heidi by the throat cracks forming under her fingers from how tight she held the other woman. Heidis burgundy eyes were filled with fear as she looked at the teen. The bait/fisherman had heard the stories about how Artemis wasn't just a sweet and compassionate guard, the mercy of the Volturi, but she could even make Caius scared when she got angry. Heidi could see why, Artemis had blood all over her and in her once perfectly curled hair, her golden eyes completely black. She looked deranged, violent, and dangerous.

"How dare you accuse me of such deeds," Artemis bellowed, "I am not a common harlot like you!"

Heidi whimpered as Artemis tightened her grip, more cracks were heard forming. Artemis smiled wickedly. "What's wrong Heidi?"

She questioned, "Scared of little ol' me?"

Venom pooled in the woman's eyes, "P-please I'm sorry y-you can ha-have him."

Artemis laughed a humorless laugh, "I don't want him. He's my brother you nitwit."

Artemis released her hold on Heidi and Heidi ran to the door. "Oh," Artemis said causing Heidi to stop, "if you accuse me of such immoral acts again I will make anything Master Caius has done look like child's play, do you understand?"

"Yes," Heidi said quietly before fleeing.

Artemis looked at her brother and friend. Her eyes returned to the normal golden inchor as she pushed her hair out of her face. Felix smirked as Demetri checked his sister for wounds or cracks. Artemis was sure in the future Heidi wouldn't dare accuse her of anything without evidence.

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