Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

(The Steinmark Twins, my vision of Ahron and Ayden---------->)



Ayden and I were standing in the middle of our bedroom staring defiantly back at our livid mate. I could sense Ayden's unease and his underlined arousal at the uncontrolled power that was shimmering off of our irate lover at the moment. I had to admit that I am right there with him and I totally shared his feelings. Stavos, especially pissed off Dominant Stavos is hotter than hell. All that unleashed fury and his barely contained beast made me want to drop to my knees and worship every inch of his delicious body, but right now we had to settle this argument first, and neither my twin or I were backing down. We let them have their way the last time when Uncle Gustav, Uncle Dimitri, and our mate made the trip to Europe to deal with their business situation and their employees the last time.

This time they wanted us to stay at home once again like good little mates and let the big boys deal with hunting and locating the missing NIkolai, and I don't know yet how Caleb fared with convincing Uncle Dimitri, but we were getting ready to rage war with Stavos. We understood that he is only trying to protect us, but he also needed to understand that we wanted to protect him too. We are not helpless, Ayden can control water and wind, and I can control earth and fire. I am saying that we are all powerful, we don't have the level of power that Stavos does, but we can hold our own and watch our families back just as well as anyone else. Our mate also failed to realize that it was him the council was targeting and if they got their greedy little hands on him, the consequences would be detrimental for all of us as mates. We cannot be separated for long periods of time, we needed each other to survive and the council knows this. They would use us against one another and blackmail us into doing their bidding as long as they had any of us in their clutches.

"You are being difficult, I cannot concentrate on finding Nikolai when I am worried about both of you." He reiterated his main point while standing with his back ramrod straight across the room with his massive arms crossed over an equally massive chest. There were no signs of relenting on his gorgeous face.

"No we are not, I have a feeling that we need to be there. It's not just a passing idea that just popped up in our thoughts. The council is hunting you and those old bastards are scared of change and the unknown so they are wary to sending their emissaries here, but you going over there puts you in their turf and that's what they want. You can concentrate in hunting for Nikolai and we can concentrate in our surroundings and making sure that we don't get ambushed. The chances of you finding him will be better if you are focused solely on that task alone. Uncle Dimitri, Uncle Gustav, and Aunt Irina will be there to watch out for us, and I am sure Caleb will be of assistance too with his ability of telekinesis." I pointed out to him and watched as he looked up to the ceiling as if asking the Heavens for patience. I could feel his frustration and his anger slithering over our bond like a slow moving lick of fire. I was hard as a rock and leaking in my shorts just by observing him. I didn't mean to be, but something about Stavos was triggering this response.

I feel like he was barely holding himself back, like he was fighting some unknown demon within himself, and trying to keep himself civilized and calm. The more we seemed to defy his wishes was the more he was losing control of something dark and sadistic inside of him. Ayden and I knew that our mate has a dark side to his persona. We know that before we came along and mated with him, he was a sadist when it came to anything sexual. Stavos thrived off inflicting pain, to take his partner to the limits of unbearable agony just because he could. He had explained to us that when he was like that, it was because he had no feelings for his bed partners. He didn't care about the person or people he was with, they wanted to be treated as such and provided what they wanted and took what he needed in return. He went on and revealed that was the only way he could get his sexual gratification from his previous partners at that point in his life, by them being able to take his painful punishments and begging him for him for relief or release, whichever one had come first for them. But all of that had changed when it came to us because of his feelings for us. The solid bonds of being our true mate would never allow him to purposely cause us pain.

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