Cody to the rescue! :)

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**Cody's POV**

I walked into the school building.

May stood at her locker with Amanda,Jaime and Emma next to her.

I walked up to them.

"What Day is it?" I asked them.

"Day... 12." May said quietly.


I walked to my locker and got my books.

I walked into the classroom, pausing to look at May sitting in her desk with an annoyed look on her face.

"Come on Mar!" My friend, Chase yelled at her.

"Oh shut up Chase! My names May! Not Mar! And no, you cannot see my math homework!"

Deep down, I felt REALLY bad for May.She sat next to Chase. Poor thing.

Our science class the next period flew by.

Mrs. Parson's Told us they were due in 2 weeks. Shoot.

Next period was P.E

we were playing volley ball.

Our P.E teacher put music on while we were playing Volley Ball.

May Jumped up to spike the ball, She jumped up and smacked it to the ground on the other side of the net.

I smiled and yelled over at her.

"Good Job May!"

I wish I had thought before I said anything..

All of the guys were snickering at me and saying "oh.. Cody's got a widdle Crush?" or something else a long the lines of that.

May seemed to be getting the same reposnses.

She blushed at some things the other girls were saying..

Finally, it was time for P.E to end.

I walked out as May walked out.

I ran up to her.

"May! Are we still doing the project this afternoon at my

house?" I Smiled.

May's gaze didn't meet mine.

"Yep... I'll see you then."she said quickly.

She Walked away.

She walked away.

She walked.



Author's note: I'm sorry it sucks! I am! I am REALLY busy now days. And I'M NOT A GOOD WRITER AT ALL!

ok.. Rant over. -Sam ( Love you my cheeseburgers :) )

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