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7 years ago...

"Get up you lazy head! You are going to be late for the flight." I heard my step-mom call from downstairs.

"I am up! I am up" I shouted back.

I went into the bathroom to, you know, do my business in there. I brushed my teeth and bathed. I finally came out of my bathroom and took out my clothes from my closet.

As was changing into an old T-shirt and jeans of mine which I had since I was 16 (because my step-mom was too reluctant to buy me new clothes saying I didn't deserve it), I realised something. I realized that this was my last day here. I realized that I would not be here for 4 years. My heart broke at the thought, no matter how much I hated my step-mom and Dad for treating me the way they did, they were my only family since Mom died due to cancer. Ever since then I wanted to become a doctor, I studied hard to achieve my dream and I did when I got a letter from one of the most expensive medical school of America I knew I had succeeded in achieving my dream.

I put on my clothes and went to my dressing table. I did my hair putting it into a messy bun and applied natural looking makeup, feeling satisfied with myself, I went downstairs.

"Would you look at that? The sleeping Beauty is finally awake. Would like some pancakes, my dear daughter," my father asked me with sarcasm dripping in every word he said. The truth is he blamed me for Mom's death. Mom was killed in car crash, I had the also had the possibility of dying but I didn't. He only considered, my step-sister, Lila as his daughter. I don't hate her but she does. I honestly have nothing against her she keeps telling lies about me of how I hit her and steal her things. Seriously, doesn't she has anything better to do?

Speaking of the devil, Lila came running down the stairs with a sicking fake smile, "OMG Marinette, I'll miss you so much. I will be stuck here in France, whereas you'll be in America!" she said the last part with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Well I am pretty sure that Marinette will take you to America once she returns," my father suggested.

I opened my mouth in disbelief.

"Close your mouth or you'll catch flies," my inner voice said.

There was no way I was going to be taking that brat, who is my step-sister, to America with me. Not wanting to put on a fight on the day I was leaving India I said, "Sure, I'll take her."

I booked a cab to reach the airport. I grabbed my one and only suitcase and made my way to the cab.

"Is that all, miss?" the driver asked while looking at my small suitcase.

"Yep," I replied, putting stress on the 'p'. Yeah well I don't have much things, I only kept a few pairs of jeans and skirts and some shirts.

Sitting in the cab, I pulled out my phone and stared that the picture of my Mom, my Dad and me. I was so happy back then. Everything was perfect, I had the perfect family who loved me.

I was brought into reality when the driver said, "Miss, we're here."

"Thank you, Monsieur ."

I checked in, got my ticket, went through security, you know the typical stuff you have to get done before boarding the flight.

As I sat waiting for my flight, I realized I really had to go to the washroom and so I did. I was in such a hurry that I didn't see where I was going, so you guessed what happened, I went in the boys washroom. Yay! Note the sarcasm.

As I entered the dirty, stinky, probably not washed in week's washroom, I saw a male figure who on was around my age lying on the floor bleeding.

For a second I thought he was dead.

"You should always check the pulse of a person even if they are looking like they are dead," my teacher had once said.

I quickly checked his pulse. He had one, but it was very slow. I gave him CPR, with my hands, of course.

I also called the ambulance.

Within seconds they came and took the boy out of the washroom to treat him.

"Thank you, for calling the hospital, if you had not checked his pulse, he would've been dead by now."

"Thanks, I am actually studying medical, so I knew that bit."

"That's great, I know you'll wake a great doctor someday."


After that conversation I went to board my flight. I thought about what happened and I don't think I could ever forget it.


Because of that incident, I am the world's greatest doctor who has never failed her patients.

And that boy you may ask? Is know my husband, who I love dearly. And who is he? He is the one and only Damain Wayne.

So whoever you are, wherever you are just remember there is always hope that's waiting for you in the dark and you are beautiful just the way you are.

Protecting The One (Daminette One-shots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant