Chapter 2: Poppin' Coincidences

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(Y/n pov)

Me and Marina-nee are relaxing by the counter as she started a conversation...

Marina: Y/n, how's life?

Y/n: Uhm... Pretty ok.

Marina: Is uncle home?

Y/n: No. Mom said that dad would come back in a few months though.

Marina: Is it so sad to grow up with your father always away?

Y/n: I don't know... I've never thought of that. I always thought that it was normal for fathers to work overseas... I don't mind though. Mom has always been there for me and I know that Dad is doing his best to give us a better life.

Marina: Our conversation became deep quickly.

Y/n: Well, it's fine. I'm comfortable talking about these things with you, Marina-nee.

Marina: Looks like our conversation is cut short. A band is here.

The doors opened revealing 5 girls I saw before...

???: Marina-san!!!

The girl with cat ears shouted.

Marina: Hello, Kasumi! Are you guys here to practice?

Kasumi: Yeah! Oh, who's that?

The girl named "Kasumi" said while pointing towards me.

Marina: Ah, this is my younger cousin, Y/n. He's working part-time here!

I then introduced myself while still astonished as to see the girls I saw at the flower field again.

Y/n: I'm Y/n L/n! Nice to meet you all.

Kasumi: Kasumi Toyama!

Tae: Tae Hanazono!

Said by the girl with long, black hair.

Rimi: R- Rimi Ushigome!

Said nervously by the short, black-haired girl.

Arisa: I'm Arisa Ichigaya. Sorry for a not so formal first meeting.

Said by the girl with twintails.

Saaya: And I'm Saaya Yamabuki! Let's have a good time together!

Said by the girl that was in the picture I took... She smiled at me that it made my heart skip a beat.

Marina: Well, you could go to the studio now!

Kasumi: Thanks, Marina-san!

Kasumi said as they went to the studio and start their practice.

Marina: You acted different than usual, what's up?

Y/n: Well, new faces?

Marina: Oh, really? Tell me, you're interested in one of them, aren't you?

Y/n: No! I just met them...

Marina: But they're beautiful, right?

Y/n: I mean, probably all girls that perform and practice here are beautiful.

Marina: Is that so? Kasumi?

She asked while I didn't respond back.

Marina: Tae?


Marina: Rimi?


Marina: Arisa?


Marina: Last but certainly not the least, Saaya.

I blushed, suddenly moved and changed my facial expression. I was caught by Marina-nee... Something I didn't want to happen.

Marina: Oh, nice taste... Nice taste, indeed.

Y/n: Shut up.

Marina: It's a shame if your mother knew...

Y/n: Please don't...

Marina: Fine, it's a secret between us!

~2 hours later~

Saaya and the others were done practicing and as they were saying their goodbyes.

Kasumi: Want to come with us, Y/n?! We'll go to Saaya's bakery!

Y/n: Marina-nee, if you may be so kind...

I said with puppy eyes...

Marina: Fine...

Y/n: Yay!

I went to Kasumi and the others as we started walking there...

Y/n: So where's this bakery?

Kasumi: We're going at Yamabuki Bakery! It's close to Hazawa cafe and Kitazawa meatshop.

Y/n: Oh, the bakery there... I know Hazawa cafe because Tsugumi, a classmate of mine owns the place with her family.

Arisa: So you know Afterglow?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm good friends with Himari and Tsugumi. Moca, Ran, and Tomoe I'm pretty good friends too!

Tae: Wow, so if you study at Haneoka... That means you also know Pastel Palettes!

Y/n: Yep, I'm close to Maya-senpai and Hina-senpai!

Rimi: So you know Kaoru-san?

Y/n: Yeah, everyone is head over heels for her... Especially the girls! And she's also in a band called Hello, Happy, World!

Saaya: How about the band Roselia?

Y/n: I know that too, that's the band of Ako-chan! I play NFO with her sometimes.

Saaya: Poppin'Party, Afterglow, Pastel Palettes, Roselia, and Hello, Happy, World! are pretty close, you know?

Y/n: Wow...

Saaya: Yep, if one of us here studied at Haneoka, you could've known us already.

Y/n: We're here now, right?

Saaya: Here's to a good friendship!


Arisa shouted as me and Saaya realized that the group already walked far away... We both chuckle and went to them.

Arisa: Looks like two people here got their eyes on one another.

Me and Saaya looked at each other and blushed.

Saaya: Shut up, and if it is true at least our eyes aren't on bonsai all the time.

Arisa: Shut up!!!

We all laughed at Arisa's reaction and continued our way to the bakery.

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