9: mondays and wednesdays

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I hate mondays.

A start of a new week. A fresh start of a whole week to fuck your life in countless ways. And this week, I'm looking forward on how I would fuck my life up again with my poor life choices, specially with things regarding Ryujin.

Ah here it is.

An image of her got stuck on my mind today.

I was driving home from the studio when my phone chimed in with a familiar message ringtone. Peeking from the driver's seat, I tried my best to read the messages sent.

From: ryujin devil

come here at my place!! bring food!!

I considered it for a moment. Thinking, I actually don't have anything to do when I get home other than beat myself up about Lia and drink until I pass out drunk on my bed or on the floor. Do I really want that?

Heaving a sigh, I typed a short reply to Ryujin. Guess I didn't want to be alone, after all.

To: ryujin devil


She didn't reply, so I took a turn and drove the opposite way to Ryujin's place. I was already thinking about what food I should bring. Icecream? Ryujin probably has a lot pf those on her place. Pizza? Too junky. Ah, donuts? Does she like donuts? I just know she likes sweets.

I stopped by a donut place along the way and got a box.

When I got there, I tried to knock several times and even rang the doorbell but no one was answering. I tried to call her but the call kept on getting dropped. I was getting nervous for some reason so I tried to knock again.

And boy, I swear to God my heart almost dropped at the sight when the door opened.

Ryujin opened the door, only clad in a towel, her hair wet and water dripping down the floor. There were even soap suds still on her hair buT WHAT THE FUCK—

"Yeji!" She looked surprised seeing me at the door, carrying the box of donuts in my hand.

"Sorry! I was actually taking a shower, I didn't expect you to arrive this fast. Come in!" Ryujin rambled and dragged me inside her place. The contact sent a funny feeling running through my veins, yet I stayed silent and literally frozen on the spot.

"Just sit there, feel at home. Wait for me! I'll be quick!" She said and ran back to the bathroom.

I sat down on her couch speechless. The image kept on replaying inside my head like a broken casette tape. It also felt like the room grew ten times hotter, even when the aircon was in full blast.

In despair, I went to Ryujin's kitchen and looked for something cold to ease the wierd heat I was feeling. Opening the freezer, I saw Magnum sticks and immediately opened one pack and took a bite.

That's when the bathroom door opened and once Ryujin laid eyes on me— on the icecream, rather, she started screaming.

"Yeji! Don't tell me that's the icecream on the freezer?!" She had this horrendous look on her face, seemingly in horror as I take bites of off the icecream.


"Yeji! Why did you eat that?! That's my favorite!"

"I brought donuts."

"Icecream over donuts." She pouted.

"What do you want me to do then?"

"Buy me another one."

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