chapter 8

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                                                                                     Chapter 8

                                       It was Saturday, no school but tons of homework as usual. Mack was over playing video games with Bentley. The clock on top of the television set that said 11:56 p.m.

                                       " Yo, I'll be right back." Bentley said.

                                       " Where are you going?" Mack asked.

                                       "Just going to brush my teeth, okay? Soo chill," Bentley responded as he ran out of the room to his bedroom before Mack could reply.



                                          The clock now said 11:58 and according to the noteook, as Bentley read, he should open all the windows in the room to clean and cleanse the air.

                                          " Huh, I didn't know Gibberish was a language. Shows me to focus more in class. " Bentley said to no one in paricular.

                                          " Croatin, Serbain, Hiruko. Your life now serves mine, Breeze Athena Lockwood. Bounded by a single string. Release! Bentley shouted out from the window to the moon.

                                            Then a strong Breeze came through the window. Strong enough to tear the house right now, but it chose not to.


                                             What a strange day, Bentley thought as he made his way towards the living room, where he found Mack passes out on the couch. Chuckling quietly, Bentley headed for his bedroom. As soon as he did, he feel into a deep sleep. Not knowing that he was being watched through the windows.



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