1 - the party

72 4 0

oh fuck

"Okay, did Kayla had to leave her dirty panties here" the small piece of fabric stared back at me as I pointed to them at the floor. "It's disgusting man, like, can't your girlfriend behave?"

A loud groan came back in response. I could feel the wind that came from the windows i opened to get rid of the smell of Kayla's perfume.

"Seriously dude" I say a little louder "this ain't the first time!" I remind Alice, who is totally just ignoring me.

After a couple of seconds pass, I hear her coming towards the couch where I was laying down. No wonder Alice looked tired, of course she didn't sleep at all.

"Billie, just calm down" she sits down besides me "Kayla has had a really tough day and cane here so I could, um, help her with that" I look at her with a stare that says -are you fucking kidding-.

"C'mom bils, just forget it" she picks up the panties. "Imma wash these and return them later when I pick her up for the party"

I freeze for a second.

"Does she have to come?! To my- I remind you- your best friend's 19 birthday? like, can't you hire a nanny or something?"

Honestly?! What the fuck was going through Alice's mind when she started dating that girl?

"Goddamnit Billie! Not because you don't like her, im going to stop hanging out with my girlfriend" she scoffs while shoving the dirty ass panties way too close to my face.

"Now, before you say some more shit, im leaving" Alice walks to her room. Leaving me completely alone for the 17th time this week.

We have just started living together a month ago and we are already fighting like a married couple. At this point, it's almost impossible for us to hang out without stupid Kayla around to bother. And although Finneas has suggested me to become civil towards her, I don't think I will.

She's just such a buzzkiller. (Is that even a word?)


After spending like an hour deciding what to wear, my mind just tells me that I should buy a dress and wear it. I know many of my friends aren't used to seeing me all glamed up, but since this is my special day and not any of them hoes, so imma do whatever I like.

I grab my phone, the keys and start heading out.

"Alice I will be back in like two hours!" I yell closing the door behind me.

We live in shared apartment, located in Melrose avenue. It was a pretty new building, surrounded by local shops and restaurants. The weather was nice and sunny, enough for me to wear just a tank top and some shorts.

I walked straight, nodding at the owner of a cafe that I knew in the way.

Soon enough I arrive to my favorite clothing boutique, one of the many reasons of why I moved here.

"Hi!" A nice person says by the counter.

"Looking for anything special today?" They asked.

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