(Chapter 10) And I'll take you home with me.

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All of my senses were drowned out as everything clicked. I pulled back from Gerard's shoulder and stared into his eyes. 

"You have to trust me, Alice an-" Gerard started talking really quickly with fast hand motions, but I cut him off by pushing his hands back down to his sides.

"Shh, I know. I know, Gerard. I trust you."  Gerard relaxed his tense body and raised one of his eyebrows.

"You...know?" Gerard tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes.

"Yes," I sighed before continuing, "Once I...woke up, from that hole, I had to create a new life for myself. I had no idea what I was or how I had to live from then on, so I had to go down to libraries and look through shelves and online about vampires. Finally, I came across some church and I thought that I could find out some things from there. I went in and a man came up to me and asked me if I was a new vampire. I thought that he was a Catholic priest or something and would call me a "demon from Hell" or something and try and kill me, so I got nervous and he showed me his fangs. Apparantly, there's a vampire religion, too. He brought me all these different books and really taught me a lot, among the things being magic." 

"Magic? What.." Gerard looked down, confused.

"Yeah, ancient vampires used to be really into magic and it's a big part of the religion. The priest let me stay at the church in one of the rooms they have for new vampires, he said vampries are drawn to the church and they get new ones a lot, and while I stayed there he taught me all different things about vampire history, the religion, magic, etc. and one of the things I can do now is upon seeing or thinking of a certain vampire, I get a visual in my head of who each of their different bonds are." I looked up at Gerard and he closed his eyes while nodding his head.

"And Alice and I are romantically bonded." he opened his eyes and I nodded in confirmation.

"So, I trust you and know that you wouldn't lie about Alice or hurt her." Gerard was silent for a while as he took everything in.

"Well...I've been a vampire for a WHILE and I didn't even know there was a vampire religion," Gerard laughed and shook his head, "damn Frank. He should've told me after I woke up." Gerard's face became serious and he locked eyes with me.

"Rose, you have to come with me to get Alice. I led her back to my cabin one night and I was feeling different for her and didn't want to kill her, so when Frank got back I tried hiding her from him but he found her and chased her through the woods and got her. I haven't seen him since, but when I looked all around the woods I couldn't find her. I think I know where she is though, I'm pretty sure she's i-" 

"The hole!" my eyes widened and Gerard nodded his head quickly.

"Yes, but there's this girl who helps Frank...well, it's his romantic bond.." he softened his gaze and looked down a little.

"It's okay, you really think I still have feelings for him?" I snorted and Gerard sighed.

"Well, he's known about the bond for...a long time. She was supposed to come and check in the hole before you woke up to see if you survived the transformation and kill you if you did, but you must've woken up before she got there." 

I rolled my eyes and clenched my fists at my sides. "Of course there was another person involved in this..." I looked at Gerard and saw him looking guilty. "And don't think I've forgotten about you knowing about this the whole time, I know you played a big part, too. But I forgive you, I know that now you won't do it again, and you're gonna help me find my sister."

Gerard smiled softly. "I truly am sorry, I didn't ever really want to live like that, but Frank was the one who taught me how to live as a vampire, and I had to to survive."

I nodded my head. "Yeah, but now I'M going to teach you how to survive, the right way." Gerard smiled and nodded. "So, let's get to the hole!" I turned around and started walking.

"Right now?" Gerard called from behind me. I turned over my shoulder and nodded my head.

"We need to find Alice before that girl does!" Gerard jogged up to me and started walking next to me.

"Melody." Gerard said.

"Melody?" I turned to look at him and he looked at my out of the corner of my eyes.

"Yeah, that's the girl who helps Frank. She might already have Alice, but she's only been gone since last night and I know where Melody's cabin that Frank stays at is and we can check there and hope that she's still allive if she's not in the hole." 

"Wait," I stopped walking and Gerard stopped next to me, "I thought Frank lived with you?"

"Well, he does but he's been moving his stuff over to Melody's cabin and was planning on moving in with her, and I doubt he'll want to live with me anymore." Gerard explained to me.

"So Frank will be there?" Gerard shook his head right away and started walking again.

"Frank's not that stupid. He knows that I'd go there, so he probably fled and left Melody to get rid of Alice, thinking that if I found Melody with her, I wouldn't have the guts to kill Melody," I started catching up to Gerard as he pushed open the cemetery gates and growled, "boy, will he be surprised." 

I walked to my rental car and Gerard got in the passenger's seat.

"Wow, did those church people give you a fake birth certificate and I.D. and all that sorts?" Gerard asked me as he buckeled in.

"Mhm." I nodded my head as I buckeled my seat belt.

"Wow, I'm joining that church once we get there." Gerard smiled and turned on the radio as I pulled out of the parking lot.

I Will Remember You. (Sequel to TWABTSBTHATP)Where stories live. Discover now