Chapter 1

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Also the story will mainly be in 3rd POV until I say otherwise,now we shall begin

Harry was heartbroken his so called 'friend's' were just worthless gits,Luna had told him to get a inheritance test since she never really trusted Dumbledore,and if harry was being honest he never really did either. Harry and Luna we're both standing in Griggots bank in a back room one of the goblin's led them to. Harry didn't know what to do now, his whole life he was lied to,controlled and A fool  to fall for his so called 'friend's' and headmaster's foolish tricks  to manipulate him. "Harry? Are you okay?" Luna asked harry a little worriedly. "Yeah Luna I'm fine,just a little...Shocked is all. I'll be okay,thanks for worrying though I really appreciate it Luna,really,you didn't have to come here and help with my problems,so yeah Luna I'm okay. Harry sis with both sad,happy, and relieved tears streaming down his face. "Of course harry why wouldn't I be,after all we are practically family now." "Your right." Harry answered,at that moment remus and sirius came running in and there eyes widened at harry, harry's  hair was a color blue and pink,which means sad and embarrassment, harry's hair stopped at his upper back, harry's cheekbones were also higher and they were pretty sure that harry was now a little shorter that he was, before he was 5'1,but now he's 4'6. Harry body was also more Petite and Feminine than it already was, the gryffindor robes harry had was now drowning harry's small body. Harry's scar is also gone since voldermort was finally and officially dead, harry's eyesight was perfectly fine now to and now his big green eyes were now shining like bright green emeralds. Harry's wings were also the same color as his hair,not even Luna recognize harry when his inheritance was done,if harry wanted he could easily by pass as a girl if he wanted to nobody would know. "Harry you look.. Different." Remus said with a sad smile, sirius and remus both know about Dumbledore's manipulative plan,but they wanted harry to find out by his self. "What do we do now?" Harry asked ripping up the paper,he knows everything he needed to know now,he was sick and tired of all the bullsh°t the wizarding world's put him through. "We leave" sirius answered his son and his new  daughter by blood, Luna Lupin Black. " Okay dad,but where will we go?" Luna asked looking at sirius with a confused look that covered her face. Sirius gave Luna a happy smile,he was happy that Luna was already calling him 'dad'. "Well I think New York is the best way to go,they have some pretty good food restaurant's there that I'm eager to try." Remus said with a goofy smile which  caused harry,Luna,and sirius to start laughing. "Well I agree with you my lovely husband" sirius said as he bent down to to give remus a kiss,but that kiss quickly got heated,Harry and Luna quickly slapped there hands over there eyes.
"Ew!" Harry and Luna both yelled in a babyish tone, remus and sirius broke apart to laugh. "Well,I think we'd best be getting ready to go I wanna leave as soon as possible" remus said getting back from his laughing moment with his husband. They all smiled and left the magical bank.

              °4 Privet Drive°

"DAMN IT PETUNIA WHERE IS THAT FREAK HE'S NEEDS TO HIS DO HIS CHORES,OH I'LL GIVE THAT BOY BEATING WORSER THAN THE WORST" Vernon the biggest person you'll  ever see, yelled from the living room, his face redder than a weasley's hair. "Vernon calm down,I'm sure the boys just late,now how be do something until the freak gets here?" Petunia said while walking into the living, "Well!? Hurry on with  whatever your gonna do!" Vernon yelled at his horse faced wife. " Well I was thinking,we can smooch and maybe be the dirty's and do the dirty's my big handsome strong man, maybe you'll let me see that huge-

Um yeah we're just gonna cut that out right, I am so sorry my little lovelies you had to witness that. Anyway I Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I will be sure to try and update 'The New Deku' story if you guys want.


°Date°Sunday, November 8th

°Question's' Of The Day° Who should I pair Luna with? Should she be single or should I pair her with an Oc? If you picked an Oc, should she be lesbian,straight or bisexual? Also could you guys  please go follow okayletsbesirius  his/her really inspired me to start this story, he/she is a really nice person in my opinion,even though I haven't really talked to he/she I think there really nice. Also I promise I'll make sure to post different story's and to make longer chapter's to keep you guys entertained  if you wanna read anymore of my story's! Bye my lovelies I hope you have a wonderful day/night!

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