Chapter 1

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"P-Please don't kill me please I beg of you!" A soldier from the Golden Path cried as I held my pistol to their head, tears streamed down his face. My dad had ordered me to take him out here to "finish him off". I pressed the cold metal to the mans head and I tried to show no emotion in my eyes but that was simply not possible. Unlike my dad I had mercy.

I sighed and lowered the gun to my side. "Go." I mumbled.

"W-what?'' The soldier asked clearly stunned.

"I SAID GO BEFORE I CHANGE MY FUCKING MIND!!" I yelled and the man ran for his life and tripping over his own feet. I quietly sat against a tree and thought to myself.

I knew my dad was going to kill me when he found out that I let a Golden Path member go, that's just one more person putting our army and my family in danger. I knew I would be in for it this time, I wondered what punishment would await me this time. Maybe a shot to the foot? Who knows. I could just run away and not endure anymore suffering, he expected me to be exactly like him. Cruel and hurtful but I wanted everything but that.

I stood and decided to head back to the house, I might as well get the brutal punishment over with.

(Back at the house)

I walked into the house and noticed my dad in the kitchen and I tried to sneak upstairs.

"Vaas. Please come here." Dad said kindly, but that kindness was about to go away.

I froze as I tried to get rid of the guilty look on my face as I entered the kitchen sitting across from my dad.  My gun sat in my lap.

"So? How'd it go?" He asked smirking. I already could tell he was onto me, he knew, he always did.

"Good. Great actually!" I tried to sound convincing.

"Oh really?" He got up and circled around the table over to me.

"Oh yeah....." He had me, I knew he did.

"May I see your gun please?" He asked. I handed it to him.

"When you left here you had 6 bullets, you currently have 6 in it still." He smiled and I gulped. "And I heard no gunshot either. Why would that be?"  He placed his hands on my shoulders and blew his blonde hair out of his face.

"W-well.....I used my knife. Why waste bullets when I could just stab him?" I grinned up at him and he still held his same sympathetic smile.

He motioned to my knife that was in my pocket and I handed it to him.

"Wow. How did you manage to not get a speck of blood on it? That's quite impressive."  He asked holding the handle of the knife in his fist.

"Well you know...I cleaned it in the river before I came back." Lies all Lies.....

"How did it feel Vaas? When you stabbed him? All that blood and gore?" He mocked me as he whispered into my ear.

"I LET HIM GO!!!" I couldn't take it anymore, I gave up.

Then he slammed my knife into my hand that lay on top of the tabletop. I screamed out in pain as he let go of the knife leaving it in my hand. He circled back around to his seat and sat. I breathed heavy and tried to ignore the pain surging through my hand leading all the way up my arm.

"See what happens when you disobey me? You should know better by now Vaas." He chuckled and got up again and yanked the knife out of my hand as he walked by and I yelped again and closed my eyes. This would all be over soon.

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