Chapter 3 (Alive)

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"You're lucky your his son, we would have to kill you if you were anyone else." A soldier said as I sat outside my house waiting to talk to my dad.

"Yeah I know. Is he dead?" I asked glumly.

"No he is perfectly fine but he did lose his left eye. Luckily you didn't hit anything that could cause death." He answered.

"Sadly....." I mumbled and he probably heard me but at the moment I didn't care because I knew it did not matter what I said right now, either way I'll get a punishment.

He glared at me, probably because of my sarcastic comment. A moment later he told me I could come inside. I nervously stepped inside to see my dad by the large stairs. He held a smile on his face which surprised me. He had an eye patch made of gauze on his eye which made me think of the knife in my hand incident. I flinched which was probably noticeable.

"Are you okay dad? I was worried." Lies, all lies.

"Well..... besides my eye being gone I am just grand." He smiled. He was the type of person who could smile while killing someone, smile while being angry, smile while in pain. You couldn't tell if he was angry or happy because he held that same creepy smile every second of the day. His voice matched the face, like he was plotting something which he probably was.

"So why'd you stab me?" He chuckled.

I couldn't believe he had the nerve to ask me that. As if he didn't if he didn't remember. Or maybe he actually thought what he was doing to me was completely normal and I was the crazy one. Or maybe he's just fucked up in the head? Yup I think I'll go with that one. Sick and twisted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2015 ⏰

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