"Ah, that's not true," Jer chimed in. I jumped aside as he dragged himself into the kitchen. "I can't skip work again. I've used up all my days. I don't want to get fired, Elena. And no offense, Faith, but I'd rather not get fired all because I have to watch you to make sure you don't escape the house."

            "None taken, Jer," I said happily. I smirked at Elena. There was no way Caroline or Bonnie would watch me. They'd have better things to do, like Caroline could be with Tyler, and Bonnie...hmm, I wasn't sure what Bonnie could do that would beat having to keep me under her watch. I would think anything would beat babysitting an eighteen-year-old.

            "Hmm, okay," Elena mumbled. "I've got a new plan: I'll take the house key and Faith's car key, that way she won't escape."

            "I still say this is a form of cruelty," I complained. "You might as well send me to prison."

            "It's a form of safety."

            "To you and the others, yes, but to me it's ridiculous." I crossed my arms irritably.

            An hour later, Elena and Jeremy left, leaving me locked in the house. I thought I could unlock the door from the inside, but apparently the front door was whacky to where it locked on the outside. I bet the locks got changed just because of me, I thought bitterly. Such an unnecessary change, just like being trapped in the house was an unnecessary thing.

            Pursing my lips, I roamed around the house, already bored. I knew there could be so many things I could do: clean (hell no), have music playing and dance or sing, or get a shower and dressed (but there was no point in that since I was going nowhere).

There was absolutely nothing to do in this house. I needed to get out.

            I needed to escape.

*      *      *

            It was about noon when I heard an odd noise. I was lying on the couch, and it sounded like it was coming from the front door. I sat up cautiously, sliding off the couch. Maybe Elena and Jeremy were home early. I wish. I need some company. I need some form of socialization. Elena should really get me a phone. I never really had a phone, so I could never text people and whatnot.

            "Elena?" I called. There was no answer. I crept closer to the door, pressing my ear against it. I pursed my lips. The sound was definitely on the other side of the door. I listened even more. It sounded like—like someone was picking the lock on the door.

            I wasn't sure whether to be happy or concerned about this. Picking the lock would give me freedom, but if it was someone who was a threat to me, then it wouldn't be such a good thing. In my mind I prayed it wasn't someone that was out to get me—if there was anyone who was out to get me.

            The moment I heard the door click, I jumped away from it. The door swung open, and I was ready to flee into the kitchen for a knife. But once I saw who it was, I couldn't have been happier to see him! I hadn't seen him in so long. He haunted my dreams—in a good way.


            "Hi," I said breathlessly.

            "Hey yourself," he chuckled. I blushed.

            "What are you doing here?" I put my hands behind my back.

            "Well, I hadn't seen you for a while and I figured I'd stop by and see what was going on."

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