Chapter 5: Amidst the Darkness

Depuis le début

Finally surrendering her efforts, Michaela stared out the back window of the car and thought back to the cylindrical prison in which she had found herself prior to making the conscious decision to put this stupid thing on her hand in the first place.

What were you thinking? Michaela asked herself before flashing back to how, at the time the ring had been placed upon her finger, it felt as though her actions were out of her control, like she was merely a chess piece in someone else's game. Reflecting on that moment of involuntary decisions, Michaela's mind shifted, were you even thinking?

Suddenly, a knock on Michaela's bedroom door launched her back into the present moment as she turned her head and saw her parents entering without an invitation, as always.

Michaela's Dad was the first to break the silence, softly inquiring, "How you holding up, kiddo?"

Michaela merely responded with a single nod.

While Adwin and Isabella seemed to read the lack of response as a statement of sadness, in actual fact it was merely a blanket response because Michaela had barely even heard his inquiry amidst all of the distractions of her mind.

Approaching the bed, Michaela's Mom sat at the foot of the mattress, unknowingly in the exact spot that the spirit of her own Mother had sat a few nights prior.

Taking a deep breath, Isabella tried to settle on a softer tone, "I know today was tough. It was difficult for all of us,"

Placing a hand on his wife's shoulder as a show of support, Michaela's Father then chimed in, "but we're here for you any time you need us."

Breaking from her trance-like state, Michaela turned to her Parents with a look of sincerity, before saying, "I know. The same goes to you guys, too."

Isabella smiled softly, with a somewhat insulting, 'isn't that cute' look in her eye, "That's very kind of you to say, sweetheart."

Michaela piped up, trying to assert herself against her Mom's empty acceptance of the offer, "I mean it. I can handle it this kind of stuff. I'm not a kid anymore."

A somewhat patronizing smile crossed Michaela's Dad's face, as his voice took on the tone he had used a few days prior, the one that made her feel five years-old,

"Listen Kiddo. We know you're at that age where you're starting to see the world for what it is, and we're not only supportive, but we're proud of you starting to form your own opinions. After all, your mind and body are blossoming in tandem right now, transforming you into a strong, independent, young wom--"

Before Adwin could finish his motivational patronization, his eyes glistened with wetness as his lip started quivering towards the mere prospect of acknowledging his little girl was growing up.

Whether it was his inability to reach his point before the emotions took over, or the mere surprise that there were any tears left in him to begin with, Michaela looked to her Mom so they could share a simultaneous, yet secretive eye roll in response.

Seconds later, Michaela's Mom leaned in to say goodnight, but as she kissed Michaela on the forehead, Isabella suddenly pulled back a few inches with a look of concern on her face, as she asked, "Michaela, are you feeling alright?"

Confused, Michaela plainly stated, "Yeah. Why?"

Placing her hand on Michaela's forehead and then her cheeks, Isabella's sense of worry continued to swell, "Oh honey, you're burning up."

Michaela was quick to dismiss her Mother's concern, "Well, I feel fine. Maybe a little tired, is all."

Giving the same lingering stare that that she used when she tried to sniff out a lie, Isabella watched Michaela's body language like a card shark looking for a tell, but her daughter remained confident in her self-assessment, with raised eyebrows and an unwavering stare.

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