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stranger things


— the 'Horrors of Hawkins' series,Book One

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the 'Horrors of Hawkins' series,
Book One

     ALEX had many reasons for keeping her reputation as the bad girl in school.

From a young age, Alex Winters's life was a constant loop of doctor's visits and shrink sessions. All because she could do things that other little girls couldn't, and it forced her parents to fear her and her unnamed abilities. The lights of the house always seemed to reflect her mood, and her skin felt like it was on fire. Until finally, her family couldn't take it anymore.

An innocent five year old, Alex was sent by her parents to the asylum in Kerley County. Her only escape or connection to the outside world was a visitor from a lab in her hometown, determined to study her and figure out the source of her powers. He helped her break out, freeing her from the insanity she felt stuck in, and in return Alex agreed to allow him to help her rid herself of her abilities so that she could return home to a normal life. But Martin Brenner lied.

     Now a moody twelve year-old, Alex has a ferocious temper that is a force to be reckoned with, forged by a dark and brutal past that went hand in hand with the 007 tattoo she bore and scars on her memories from countless electrical shocks to the brain. Everything inside of her felt like it was constantly on fire. At home, she hated her brother, her brother hated her, and their mother has been dead for years while their father has been close to never home since.

     The last person she ever expected to try and worm their way into her heart was Will Byers, but that's exactly what happened. Although they were polar opposites, they were also very similar. Each of them brought out a side to the other that nobody else ever tried to get to. Alex never wanted to openly admit it, but Will became her best friend. She would have died for him, if she had to for some reason.

     And then he went missing a year after their friendship began, and suddenly Alex was filled with emotions and illuminated by spotlight she never wanted or asked for.

     SCOTT seemed to be your average, popular high school guy.

     Growing up as best friends with Steve Harrington certainly had its perks. But Scott was just along for the ride, preferring just to be in Steve's company even if he hated everyone else they hung around with. He lived for the alcohol that could wash away any memories of his childhood, and the horrible images that came with it. Images from a time when his mother and father tried to leave Hawkins in an attempt to leave their guilt and grief behind. Images of blood and steel prison bars overlaying the sound of a gavel striking its podium and forcing Scott to flee back to Hawkins with his father.

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