"Spectacular, of course we will arrange quarters and ladies here to take care of your daughter," The King offers. He was not particularly happy for Bastiaan to be with the Royal Smith family, considering that their kingdom was incredibly weak. However, he had confidence that his son had the potential to build their kingdom into something far greater due to their wide abundance of useful resources.

  "We shall prepare a dowry for her," Amery's father responds, revealing a smile on his lips.

  Bastiaan's eyes widened slightly as his heart began to rush. Not from love, or excitement for the future - but fear. He had a service to his country that he knew he had to fulfil. His father was not one to beat around the bush though, and would often throw him into situations he would much rather prefer to not be in - such as now. Usually, Bastiaan would not care but for once he felt such a strong feeling of resentment rise in his heart. He yearned for something else.

  As their fathers continue to converse, Bastiaan's eyes slowly trail over to you and he feels his posture ease. Ever since you had come, things had changed for him. And then, his eyes widened further, as he realised that you were the source of this problem. Were you really the reason he was beginning to lose control of himself?

  "Prince Bastiaan, please look after my daughter. We shall be leaving later today," Amery's father speaks out, breaking his train of thought.

  "Of course," He replies as they both stand up, dressed in luxurious velvet and promptly leave the room.

  "You better behave yourself. What in the world has gotten into you?" The King inquires, voice more tired than angry.

  "I only wish to humour this for slightly longer," Bastiaan replies truthfully, taking his hands out of his pockets to be nipped at by the cold cruel air.

  "You're lucky that they give you a chance, with the way you've been acting they should have thought you're a mad man," The King responds.

"I apologise for the trouble," Bastiaan says timidly, not daring to speak up to his father at a time like this.

  "You really do keep causing trouble. So, to keep you out of trouble, I am appointing a knight to your side. He will be supervising your behaviour and following you practically everywhere you go to ensure that you remain in check. He will only leave your side after you are married. Understood?"

  Bastiaan holds his own hand, squeezing it tightly as his father speaks. "So be it," He grumbles.

  "You'll have to deal with it, boy. Now get out and go to your bedroom, the knight will be there soon."

  Bastiaan takes a sharp mistake of breath before spinning on his heel and opening the door, swiftly leaving his father's office. He nearly forgets that you were still there, and walks past you before slowing down and looking over his shoulder. Your eyes meet and you jump, immediately going to his side. Bastiaan sticks out his arm, inclining you to link your own with his. He needed the comfort at the moment, and you didn't dare complain. Even if you weren't sure if Bastiaan would consider you close enough to be a friend, you still wanted to be there for him. It seemed that he hadn't had anybody be there for him for a long time.

  "My father is appointing a knight to watch over me. I implore you not to take any notice of this knight," Bastiaan explains to you.

  "I see. I'll try my best not to, but that's not what I'm concerned about. Are you alright, Bastiaan?"

  "Don't ask me that. I am perfectly fine."

  You purse your lips and continue walking alongside him. His harsh words incline him to stride with false pride, making it more difficult for you to keep up with him once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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