The Pervert

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( Hi, and welcome back! Just a reminder this is a college themed fanfic, there will be strong language and slight violence in this chapter. Also it goes slightly back in time to right before he was grabbed.)

Zenitsu POV

The bed slightly creaks and I halt my movements. That was so fucking loud! Sweat drips down from my forehead, there's no way that woke him up. Right? He looks like a deep sleeper. I take a deep breath and look over my shoulder to see if he's awake.

 Hands suddenly grip around my waist and pull me back into the hard chest, I was only able to pick up the flash of blue hair before I was squeezed suffocatingly tight against my will. If their grip was tight before holy fuck, now I could barely breath right! At this point I wanted start screaming but my lungs cried in protest. Every movement I made got me crushed harder. My vision was going fuzzy. I didn't want to do this. But if Kaigaku taught me anything during Kendo training it's when Gramps isn't around it's free reign. So with the last bit of strength I can muster, I grab their hair and pull as hard as fucking possible. The reaction was instant, Kaigaku would be so proud. The strong arms release me as the boy tumbles off the bed. I choke in some air before screaming. 

"REPENT PEPENT YOU FOOL! YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME DIDN'T YOU!!" I take in a deep  breath as the blue haired boy stands up. Well that confirms it, "This man is definitely not Tanjiro." I mumbled to myself. "WHAT tHE HeLL ARE YOU TALKING AbOUT!" says the boy standing up. Shocking me out of my train of thought. "OH YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD JUST GET AWAY WITH BRINGING ME HOME!!! A POOR INNOCENT AND DEFENCLESS DRUNK!! YOU WANTED TO HAVE YOUR WAY WITH ME DIDN'T YOU!!" I took a deep breath in before I continued. "REPENT YOU SCUMMM!!!" I cry out. He looks down at me from where I sit still on his bed. I felt like small bug under his chilling gaze. He could be pretty if his eyes weren't so terrifying! It's like there piercing into my soul!! He has a girly face, and porcelain complexion, with beautifully long eyelashes that complimented his strikingly green eyes. But all of that is ruined by his gruff voice and ugly expressions! Ugh his pretty face probably gets him all the girls! That just makes me hate him more!!

"DONT LOOK DOWn ON ME yOU PERveRT!!" I yell. He starts wheezing as I sit there in shock.    After his laughing fit, the room goes into a quiet painstakingly awkward silence. The blue haired boy picks up a white button up shirt off the floor and begins putting it on. Now with nothing better to do I got to fully look at this stranger. Holy hell it was as if he'd been working out every single day of his entire goddam life! As if He HaD BEEn cHisEled FROM sTonE!! I swear to you HIs muscles HAd THere OWN MUsclES!! NO oNE shOUlD HaVE thAT MANy MUscLes! The silence is finally broken by the green eyed man. "Hey why don't you pick your jaw off the floor and take a picture, It'd last longer." to be completely honest I've never closed my mouth as quickly as I did then." Oh and also it'd definitely be less creepy than whatever the fuck your doing right now." he said bluntly. My face started to burn with embarrassment. Not only was I in a strangers house after getting drunk off my ass at a party, but I was watching them prance around dressing themself, and they are half naked! Aoi would be beating me over the head with something if she saw me now. " Well if I knew where the hell my phone was maybe I would." I countered.                    To my surprise I suddenly I got a jacket thrown in my face. Once I got a good look at it I realized that this is the pink fluffy jacket Nezuko forced me into before we left for the party last night. To be perfectly honest I don't remember much after Tanjiro ditched me at the drink table. Maybe I truly had met this man. Or maybe this was all some alcohol induced dream. I don't really know and truthfully I don't really care. God I wish I had my phone right now Nezuko is going to kill me if I wind up missing! I'll be a dead man! "I'm gonna head to the kitchen to make breakfast, come and join me whenever you're...more put together." I look up startled out of my thoughts and slightly shocked. His sound had turned so soft and caring. With a timid smile and a slam of the door he finally leaves me alone his room. Now that I was finally alone I step off the bed and sat on the floor, "Now where is my goddam phone!?"


Heyo! It's me again and welcome to the latest chapter! I might actually have a chapter with Kaigaku or Aoi in the future well at least Aoi. Still not sure though. Anyways there's probably tones of spelling errors but I'm to tired to fix them now so sorry about that. Anyways this was supposed to be short so byeeee!

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