Ch. 6 Let's Get Hypno Back!

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{Entity 0's POV}

I fly to the top of the tower and crouch down and watch as Sabre, Dream, George, and Sapnap lead the others out of the arena and into the forest. I go invisible and fly to the forest. I fly ahead but not too far and land in a tree as silently as I can and try to listen in. Sabre looks up as leaves fall on his head. I sit motionlessly and listen to their conversation.

"Dream, I do have one question for you," Sabre tells Dream.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"How were you guys able to fly up and defend me?" He asks.

"We had help from a few friends." He says turning to the others.

"How did you guys end up in that situation in the first place?" Sapnap asks, moving next to Sabre.

"I'd rather not go into detail..." He says. He turns away and puts one hand on his arm. Sapnap nudges him and Dark Steve runs up and glares at Sapnap. Dark Steve grabs Sabre's hand and Sapnap backs away a little bit. They get further away from my tree so I run up and hop to another.

This time the jump was pretty noisy and everyone looks up to see what it was. Dream puts his fingers to his mouth in a whistle motion but brings them down again as everyone turns back. They keep walking but stop when they get a few feet away from the portal.

"Okay everyone, when we walk through the portal, who knows where we might end up but for the Steve's when we walk through, I want all of you to go your own ways. I don't want anyone hurt and I don't want the guilt of it. So, I wish you all a safe trip and good luck." Sabre says turning around.

The Steve's nod in agreement and they all walk into the portal. When I think the coast is clear I fly down. Still invisible, I walk up to the portal and stare at it. I hear rustling in the bushes and see a man in a coat and beanie, a fox in a simple grey shirt and some jeans, a kid in a white shirt and red markings and dark grey jeans, another kid in a green shirt and black ripped jeans all come out of the bushes. Some more people come out. A man dressed in a suit and has horns on the side of his head, and a kid in a light blue oversized hoodie and blue jeans come out as well.

I hide behind the portal and listen to what they say.

"You know, Schlatt, we may not like you but you still have to listen to what Dream and Wilbur say, even though you rule over Wilbur, doesn't mean you have to blow our cover. When Dream whistles, that's our signal to come out, not when he gets ready to whistle! Listen to him next time and don't ruin this!" The one in a white shirt says. The one called Schlatt replies.

"Well sorry but like you said, I don't listen to Wilbur because I rule over him. But, next time, I will wait for the signal because I don't really trust the one with what looks like corruption on him. He looks dangerous for all of us." He says.

"Schlatt, I agree with you on this one and ONLY THIS ONE! Don't expect kindness in the future from me, we still are at war with Manberg." The one in the coat says.

"Whatever Wilbur. Come on, we have to catch up to the others before they get too far!" Schlatt says. Everyone nods and jumps through the portal at the same time. I appear out and make sure there are no more people around to become visible again. When the coast is clear, I become visible again and jump through the portal before they leave.

I jump into a place that looks exactly like the Nightmare Pocket but, the sky isn't yellow and black anymore and the chunks are the same as everything around it. Those are the only differences that I can see right now, but I haven't really explored the "Overworld" as the Overseer has called it. (Yes I included the Overseer into this but he won't be seen very often unless you want to see him often, then I will change a few things and add him to the story more!) I walk around, trying to find Sabre and the others.

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