I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

She decided on loose curls that would look like a black waterfall flowing down my back, again her words not mine. It took her about 45 minutes to do my hair, which I spent worrying if Archer had come looking for me since that butt-head never gave me a time.

"Alright ready to see" I looked up to see her excited face, obviously pleased with what she had done.
She spun me around and faced me toward the mirror.

I couldn't even recognize myself. I wasn't going to lie, I looked hot which had me completely thrown off. The slight smokey eye had dark and light browns that made my green eyes pop. The black eyeliner and extra lashes that Elza applied really did frame my eyes nicely.
Then my hair! Oh my Hair! It was a beautiful work of art. Each curl stayed in its place and not one moved only a little bit from it's spot.
"Elza..I..I..Thank you. I am seriously at loss for words. You have made me look gorgeous." I said gratefully

"Hazel, you are already naturally gorgeous! This is why the makeup makes you look like a damn photo-shopped picture, ya know the ones everyone tries to be but can't cause its fake? Well here you are in the flesh! I am jealous!"
Right as I was about to deny her statement she cut me off. "Let's go look at the outfit you put together shall we."

Elza loved the outfit and said I did a great job color coordinating. Whatever that meant.
"Put it on! I want to see you in it." She demanded.
I stripped down to my black lace slight push up bra and black lace underwear. Although it may never be seen by anyone, it made me feel sexy wearing them. I know, weird.

I gently pulled the dress up over my legs and hips until it was placed properly. Then put on the pearls and my heels and walked over to my door mirror.
"Hazel, you are one fine babe! Well my job here is done. Have fun on your date!" Elza yelled which made me chuckle a little as she left my room.

I loved the outfit, the makeup, and the hair. It was like each of the items were made for each other. As I was shallowly admiring myself in the mirror, a little knock came from the other side of the door. I looked at the clock to see exactly 6p.m.

Although I had gone on many dates with Archer, this one in particular had butterflies swarming my stomach. I quickly grabbed my gold clutch that held Archers anniversary gift in it and opened the door.
Archer stood still taller than me even in heels, with a classic formal look. He wore black dress shoes, black dress pants, a white dress shirt, and a black tie. His face free of the little amount of scruff he had earlier in the day and his hair clean cut with a small amount of gel. I ran my eyes up and down his body until I was satisfied then my eyes made the journey up to his.

I finally looked at his eyes to notice he was still gazing at me. Clearly he wasn't done admiring me as his eyes roamed every inch of my body. His eyes finally met mine and he cleared his throat.
"Like what you see?" I asked with amusement laced through my words
"I..'" he cleared his throat once more,"I really do. Hazel you are stunning. I am speechless."

I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a small kiss.

"You look really handsome." I pulled him into a hug.

"Can I just say that next to you, I will just look like a waiter."
I smacked him on his shoulder,"No you won't! You look like you should be in a cologne commercial." I told him truthfully while he just rolled his eyes and wrapping an arm around my waist leading me away from my room and up to stairs.

"I assume you still won't tell me what we're doing huh?" A slight glimmer of hope in my voice.
"Not a chance babe. But here is a hint." He opened the front door of the pack house revealing a shiny black limo in the driveway.
"A limo! Where in the world would we be going where we would need a limo?" I spoke quietly to myself trying to solve the mystery.

Archer leaned in close to my ear and whispered,"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He smiled then put his hand on the small of my back and led me to the limo. Being the gentlemen that he is, he opened the door for me and I kindly accepted the gesture.

When Archer and I were safely in the limo, the driver pulled out of the driveway heading somewhere without even a word from Archer.
"So was this what Porter was telling you about?" I asked referring to the limo
"Yeah, he was just telling me that the driver would be here at 6." With a wink he put his hand covering my eyes.

"Archer? Do you know what you're doing?" I asked sarcastically, clearly showing him that I thought he was insane. "I do know what I'm doing." He then pulled his hand away from my eyes revealing a dozen white daisy's in his hand.

"Happy one year anniversary Hazel." He said giving me a kiss on my cheek then handing me the flowers.

I held them to my nose and inhaled to sweet scent of them. "Oh Archer, you shouldn't have." I said using the overused line. "But I wanted too. And those are just the beginning." He said smiling down at me.

"Thank you, daisy's are my favorite flower." I stated
"I know, that's why I got them." He said pulling me closer to him so that I was snuggling at his side.

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