Part 2

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Alece and Lucious walked into the room then Alece grabbed Lucious boons and said " See didn't her boons grow?" We all walked up to them then Mary said " Omg girl they did."

Lucious said " I don't see what's so good about that." I said " Imma hit the shower." Julia said " I'll come with you." Mary said "  Why am I last?" Julia responded " One, because you just came and two, because you did it." Mary laughed then said " fair enough."

When Julia and I went into the shower she said " Hey Melissa, after class do you want to hang with the boys?" I responded " Sure, it's been a while since we threw a party." Mary ran into the restroom and said " Sorry girls but we have to go to the cafeteria in ten minutes."

We all took a shower then went to the cafeteria where police officers were on stage. Lucious said " Why are police officers here?" Alece said "  I think there giving a speech let's listen."

When everyone arrived and took a seat the principal said " officer Kelly will be giving a speech so pay close attention." Officer Kelly took the microphone and said " murder scenes have been happening from ×932 to now (×1000) But ever since ×953 murderers and demons have been appearing in schools.

Boarding schools and schools you live in are the most dangerous. There are many monsters in the forest outdoors but people don't go there. If they did they most likely are dead. With the power you posses you could defend yourselves, it matters on what weapon you can use or turn into to. Some people are even able to use elemental magic, but powers only come at thirty years old (which no one is)

My advice to you is to train yourself to use a weapon, and use the weapon well. Officer Kelly gave the microphone to the principle (Mrs . Johnson) and whispered in her ear. Mrs . Johnson nodded then said "Today is a free day so you guys can do whatever is needed. You are dismissed."  Everyone got up and left the cafeteria.

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