16. | start

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again, i'm sorry for not updating.

there's so many bad things
that happening in my country, philippines, these past few days.

i'll try to update faster !!

win can't help but feel his
heart starting to beat faster.

"why is it even like this?
i shouldn't be feeling like this."

said win's thoughts.

"stop joking,"


"hey, i'm not.
im serious."


win couldn't lie to himself.
he feels his heart beat started
to beat faster than before.

"whatever....thank you i guess?
but let me hear your voice first though."

win said and chuckled waiting
for bright to sing.

he saw how bright rolled his
eyes playfully and turned of the camera.

"ya, why did you turned it off?"


"i'll sing now dummy.
it's so awkward to sing while i'm calling someone..."


"am i making you nervous?"


win soon realized what he just said, making him curse himself on his head.



"you're blushing,"

bright said and chuckled
making win to turn off the camera.

when bright saw win turned it off, he started laughing like an idiot.

they're low-key flirting and they didn't know that.

"just start singing now,"


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