Not hungry yet but didn’t eat anything since the last day. Tsk.
You’re not full Gun. You’re a fool!

“Well then.” She shrugged.

“First told me everything.” She added.

Those words were like a bomb to me. My heart beat so fast and my breath became heavy.

Will she scold me about it?

Shit, I must ready myself because I have a feeling that I will receive an earful.

Knowing Tay’s mom, nothing can stop her from saying what she wants.

“I’m sorry.”

Before she spills anything, I apologized already. I’m guilty for all this mess anyway.



“Uh...about everything. I know First---

“Why don’t you listen to me first Nong Gun?”

I nodded like a puppy.

“Nong Gun, First told me everything. And I know that my son is the one who’s at fault. And I am very sorry for that.”

“It’s okay krap.” I nod and plastered an assuring smile.

“First also told me about khun Off.”

The smile that I forcefully shows immediately fade away. I can’t take hearing that name. I can’t help but to speak up.

“Off is just a friend. It was nothing I swear---

“Nong Gun, listen to me.”

From a strict face, her face became soft like a mother looking at her child with pity.

She reaches for my hand and smiled warmly.

“Nong Gun, no one forbids you to love again right?” she asked all of a sudden.

I stared at her and she is just smiling at me. There’s no hint of anger or disappointment on her face just a pure and sincere smile.

The confusion in my head reaches at the highest peak. I can’t think clearly.

“Mâae ngong.” That’s what I just said to Tay’s mom. I’m really confused.

Tay’s mom chuckled and caressed my hand.

“That Off, you have good feelings for him right?”

“H-huh? No it’s just---

“Tell me the truth Nong Gun. I want you’re honesty here and you should be honest to yourself.”

I was taken aback.

Be honest to myself...why? Am I lying to myself all this time?


Do I really love Off? Does my feelings for him already reach to that point?

“I don’t know if I love him. But—


“I feel happy when he is around and felt sad and guilty whenever he is angry at me.” I sincerely said.

Curiosity is now evident in Tay’s mom.


“And uhm...he made me feel special in every way that he can.”

“Uhm... he let me feel that I am special and deserved to be loved.” I added. Remembering those happy moments with Off makes me smile.  “But I choose Tay.”

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