The Clone's Mission

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Katara_Voltaris Here you go again

Katara's Pov

"Hello guys". I said. With a cheerful smile.

"Hi". Someone said, I didn't noticed.

"How ya doing"? Zeppelin asked.

"I am doing go..." I was about to say but a voice interrupted me. It was coming from a screen.

"Don't pay attention to this clone, She's not a real organism, Go idiot, Start your mission"!! Some dark figure said in the screen.

It hurted me a lot. I was deeply saddened by this.

Author-sorry Katara_Voltaris XD

Then Zeppelin placed his hand on my shoulder. And smiled.

"Don't worry about that Guy, Don't beleive him, you can be so much more than a normal Ardoni". Zeppelin motivated me.

I got up and hugged him.

He was shocked first bu hugged me back.

"Awwww". Ria smiled.

Time for the mission.

A SCAR convoy attacked and pinned down a group of ATIA soldiers. They were in a helicopter going in a village with important supplies. But they were shot down by an Anti-aircraft Gun settled on a house's rooftop. There were 15 soldiers and 2 pilots In the helicopter. To rescue them a group of 30 soldiers, 7 Humvees and 3 tanks came to their rescue. But was cut down and surrounded by a much superior force. An entire Battalion with 80 Tanks, 1200 Soldiers, 30 Helicopters, 10 Missile trucks, and a nuke launcher. This was gathered by a satellite.

We were now in a helicopter with 5 other teams in different Helicopters each.

It didn't took time that we noticed a very large force. Soon we fired missiles on them.

Val started giving info on her Radio "We have a much larger force than expected, We can't handle this alone, Requesting Reinforcements".

"Roger That". Harkov replied.

After a minute of air combat Harkov again replied.

"I am sorry to say but the Head Feild Marshall has refused to send reinforcements, it's the general who abused Katara, he has been promoted by the founder of ATIA". Harkov Replied.

Note-Head Feild Marshall rank don't exists, I made it cuz I don't want to demote Harkov.

Soon a missile hit our Helicopter's tail.

"Mayday Mayday we ALPHA-74-A has been hit, We are going down". Val panicked.

Other Helicopters also got hit, soon every helicopter was crashed.

We were at low altitude so the crash don't affected much. We were not surrounded like those guys but a massive wave was infront of us.

I grabbed a rifle and started shooting enemies nearby.

"Fire". Senn Yelled.

I saw a tank heading towards us.

Others were not able to think what to do but I picked up an Anti-Tank-Launcher and fired 3 or 4 shots destroying it.

Then I shot the tank's crew when they came out with a Pistol.

I took an HMG ( Heavy Machine Gun ) which was pretty damn heavy. So I placed it on a Tripod. And started shooting every enemy in my sight.

I had the most kill counts :D

As I know more about battlefield with the my enhanced abilities.

"Shit, missiles incoming"!!! A barrage of missiles started to come near us.

Suddenly I snatched Ria's sniper and shot some Incoming missiles accurately.

"H-h-how did you do that". Zeppelin asked Shockingly.

"I was made for this". I winked at him.

( Oof)

Soon I shot a Helicopter's pilot.

And the helicopter crashed.

"This is Harkov, we are sending a HOVERING-AIR-CRAFT for your retreat". ( It's like a Sheild carrier but much smaller and with no run way, and can carry only 100 people.)

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The aircraft landed, We wanted to help the pinned downed squad but we only can retreat.

We got in the aircraft before we were surrounded too.

As soon as I entered the crew handed me and Ria military Laptops controlling Reaper drones.

"Take this, all we can do now is to help them if we can't rescue them". A crew member said.

I dropped some bombs at tanks and a missile truck. Ria targeted SCAR soldiers with the Drone's machine gun.

Then I saw a helicopter heading towards the group so I fired a missile destroying it.

But then the pinned group messeaged that 13 of them were killed and 2 Humvees have been destroyed.

After some more fighting there group suffered more losses.

Now only 1 tank, 7 soldiers and 2 Humvees were left.

I fired a rocket barrage at a large enemy group. Killing them all.

Then the radio went dead silent.

The entire group was killed.

Harkov then spoke up "You gave them a fighting chance my children. That's all we can ask for". He reassured us.

"Shut up Harkov, they let the group die and retreated like cowards, I will ask for there demotion". That General again spoke up from a screen.

"You didn't sended reinforcements". Harkov yelled but the monitor already went showing a globe and other data as it was before.

"Ahh... My drone is hit". Ria said.

"They are launching a Nuke"!! Zeppelin said.

My drone suddenly also got shot.
I wanted to stop the Nuke launcher but no bombs or missiles were left.

An idea hit my mind and I crashed my drone at the Nuke launcher destroying it.

"We are sending an orbital strike". Harkov said.

On a screen it was shown a group of satellites are firing large red lazer beams.

And soon our enemies were gone.

Author- Katara_Voltaris here you go again

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