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Author-Call of duty mobile players... I know..., I love the scorestreak and I had no other things in my mind. :P

Senn's PoV

I was getting relaxed, Harkov was gone for weeks now. And we had no deployment. ATIA HQ was also working on new weapons. I heard of some giant exoskeleton being in reasearch but that's just a rumour.

"Excuse me, Major Senn"? A female human Scientist in white clothes came.

"Yes"? I replied.

"General Harkov asked me to give you this". She handed me a flare but it was a little bit futuristic.

"Use this when in extremely dangerous situations, press the button and drop it in an open area and get atleast 2 meters away, you will have 12 seconds". She explained how to use it.

She left and Ria came.

"Hey what is it"? She asked.

"I don't know". I shrugged.

She gave me a can of cola.

"It a treat from me". She winked.


"Ahh Senn... I wanted to talk about our future.  She said. Come with me".

We both headed to a table in cafeteria and selected a table far away from others.

"I wanna ask..." She was blushing.

"Do you really love me"? She asked.

"Ahhh... Yes". I looked away in embarrasement.

"I always wanted to marry you... But you went missing and then we both ended up here". she said.

"Me too, but now we can't do anything... We both are recruited now, and it will take years to retire, and also I love this job". I explained.

"Yeah... I also love this job, but when we leave we will be in our fifties or sixties, it isn't the age to marry someone... Also, I wanted to raise a child with you".

When she said that I almost choked on my cola.

"Well, I think we should forget about this". I said.

An announcement came.

"Squad number DELTA-36-B, ECHO-02-C,  BRAVO-22-A, CHARLIE-71-C and ALPHA-74-A head to deployment stations. Also Hephaestus squadron head to Australian base and get in B2-Spirits and F-22 Raptors to perform bombing runs and air support.

"Looks like it's the time". I said.

I got my squad and deployed in Australia, In Victoria.

We were told a major base of Terrorists was spotted there.

"This is Hephaestus squadron leader ready for a bombing run". The leader of the jets said.

"Copy that. Our commanding officer for this mission said. Bomb the airstrip and the barracks first."

Soon the bombers began there work and almost devastated everything in their way.

The base had air defences, the Intel didn't Confirmed it.

They began dodging and fled the scene. ( cuz it's what they do irl )

"We can't go for another run unless the anti-aircraft guns and sam-turrets are disabled". The leader said.

"Prepare the EMP system". Our commanding officer ordered.

An EMP bomb was dropped. Cuz of special equipment we were able to keep our electronics working.

"Going for another run". Soon several bombs were dropped again.

But soon enemy jets came but we're take out quickly with our superior jets.

"Ahh... I am hit and I am going down". A pilot yelled. A missile hit his plane.

"I am also hit... I think there are some defences still working". Another said.

Soon the building we were attacking sended out loads of soldiers, tanks and Helicopters.

"Ground units your turn, you are pinned down, help will arrive in 15 minutes". The officer said.

We deployed portable Sheilds, to form a mini fortress. We fired from them killing their troops. But we were hopelessly outnumbered.

A sniper then shot one of our soldiers dead.

"This was supposed to be an easy mission". Someone yelled.

Soon more of our men were killed.

"Ahh!!!!" I heard Ria. She was shot, then again, again and again. She was shot 18 times.

This raged me. I remembered the flare.

I dropped it on the ground. 12 seconds later a white orbital pod was dropped. When it opened something huge came.

 When it opened something huge came

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It was an exoskeleton. Heavily armoured, a Scythe minigun on left hand, a blade on right hand ( it isn't in actual game ), and missile launchers on back ( it also isn't on the actual game, only minigun ).

Suddenly I got into it.

"Welcome soldier". An A.I. said.

I stepped out of the fortress and in 5 seconds I killed a lot of enemies with the minigun. They fired bullets and rockets at me but they didn't do anything. I charged trying to protect my comrades. I wiped down several enemies.

I shredded helicopters into pieces.

Soon support arrived.

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