Chapter 43 ✔️

Start from the beginning

That's bound to get his attention.

I have to stiffle a laugh as I watch Tyler's horrified expression. It's the middle name he's terrified of. He asked for it.

" You're middle name is Venice? " Parker asks trying to hold his laugh.

" Fuck off. " Tyler answers before standing up and storming out of the house.

That went easier than I thought.

" See you guys later!" I yell as I grab my car keys before walking out of the house.

" Was that really necessary?" Tyler asks as we walk over to my car.

" You didn't pay attention to me." I shrug.

Tyler rolls his eyes as he opens the driver's door for me to climb in before closing it and climbing into the passenger seat.

" So where are we going? " Tyler asks as we drive out of the driveway.

" I have no idea. " I say deep in thought.

I've never been to South Carolina before so I don't exactly know what there is to do. Maybe they have a carnival or something like that?

" Are you being serious now? You embarrassed me in front of my friends, dragged me away from the football game for what?" Tyler rambles.

" I don't know okay. I just wanted to spend some time with you. All time we get together is in the bedroom and I'm sorry if that isn't enough for me. "

This conversation took a wrong turn real fast.

" You're always busy hanging out with your friends and trying to make Gabby feel as unwelcome as possible. " he continues.

Speaking of Gabby, I don't even know how I'm putting up with all her crap. She basically doesn't eat anything we eat and she refuses to help clean up. She can be lucky that she doesn't get enough chances to use her irritating voice because Mason's tongue is always down her throat.

" I only spend time with them because you're always busy with something else and completely forgetting about my existence! And for the Gabby part, I don't like the girl, sue me." I snap.

" Will you just fucking stop making excuses." Tyler whines.

" I'm not making excuses Tyler. God, the only way I could get you away from your friends was to embarrass you! It's really pathetic if you ask me. "

When did this not-relationship turn into something so complicated? All I wanted to do was spend more time with him.

" Is this because I didn't say it back to you? " I ask after a few minutes of intense silence.

The thought has crossed my mind before. I know he told me that he isn't going to pressure me into saying it back to him but what if he didn't actually mean it?

" What? No Ally that's not it at all. " he replies utterly confused.

If it's not that then why do things still feel off between the two of us? I haven't felt this way before about the two of us. It only started when we got here. I'm starting to really dislike this place.

" Then what's wrong Tyler? I need you to communicate with me."

The fact that I'm still driving after all that is a miracle. Damn I'm a good driver.

" Nothing is wrong. Can we just go back to the house please?" he sighs.

That's a hard pang to the chest.

I feel the tears starting to burn my eyes but I quickly blink it away before he notices. All I wanted to do was spend a little time with him and this is what I get in return? No wonder why my relationships don't last long - heck I'm not even in a relationship.

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