" I am a god servant, the god servant for the god of the sun. I came to this world to nurture a new champion."

Roy turned away looking out the window. " champion for what?"

" a champion to find my cube"

" i remember a cube from my dreams, but it was just a dream just like this"

" believe it as you may but you must find the cube. A great evil is coming and without that cube no one would be able to stop it" the galaxy man kneeling before roy " go out and get the cube then call my name the name given by you then I'll collect the cube and complete both of our destinies."

" how can i even start this? I have no clue whether this is true or not." Roy turned around in frustration, his arms opening up trying to grasp the concept.

" you will find soon enough just wake up and you'll believe every word i spoke to you this evening"

When the words left his lips roy was once again jolted awake. The alarm woke him up at 7:30am. His bedroom still as he left it. He swung himself out of bed, his feet making the cold floor boards creak as he applied his body's weight onto it. The small one room apartment he slept in filled with his glowing bottles and potions ready to sell and use. He tapped his end table, grabbing his glasses and sliding it on. He got up fully walking to the kitchen grabbing a small red liquid bottle. He pulled the cork off and began to drink it. The liquid once gone was placed under a small contraption where small drops of red liquid started to fill it up again.

He went to the small window and opened the shades. The bright light blinded him. He fluttered his eyes, awakening himself. He rubbed his eyes getting the gunk out.

A small ding sound came from the table. He walked over, sitting on the ground he pressed a small button. A flash of blue came over the room and a small screen appeared. Words formed showing messages. One was labelled " urgent open immediately"

As roys brow furrowed reading the title he decided to open it. He tapped the email.

The screen morphs into a small person's head. A female began talking.

Her monotone voice and robotic sentence structure make the room stale. " hello the residence of iron sky, please take heed of the recent development on our southern border" the projection showing a map of the landscape of red dot showing the town you were in and how close it was to the invasion force. The dot only a days ride away from the invasion. " adventurers are commanded to head to their nearest fort to report for battle" the map enlarged showing little red arrows showing the fort was only a couple miles away.

" any civilians must leave and head to a safe shelter or head to the capital. Adventures will guide you once we have a substantial amount." the women glitching and shaking her head and map disappearing and an old cryptic man appeared in her place.

His voice raspy " hello roy i know you have a special mission, report to the fort and give the password ' deaths white roses' you'll be lead to your true goal"

" what do you mean? My true goal?" roy scratching his head

The message ending the screen disappearing. The room lights up from the sun piercing through the window.

Roy stood up and stepped over the piles of used bottles and destroyed machines. To get to the window.

He looked out the streets filled with people and carts heading north. A few dawning heavy armor and weapons heading east.

the adventures of ironskyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ