"If I have to go to the ball without socks, I'll be a laughingstock."

"You'll never win the princess's heart without socks, Joon," his brother joked.

"This isn't funny," Namjoon looked through the pile again. "It would be a horrible first impression for the princess."

His brother stood, giving up on his search and falling into a chair. "I thought you didn't even care about what the princess thought. I thought you just wanted to see the castle and were perfectly fine with marrying one of the noble girls back home."

"That's where you're wrong, dear brother." Namjoon straightened his back from his hunched over position, having found his undershirt. "I've come to realize this is much more than just a sightseeing trip. If I can manage to make the princess fall in love with me, I get to be king."

"You're just realizing this now?" The brother chuckled.

"Of course, I always knew that, but seeing for myself the wealth and power the royal family possesses, I can't help but feel jealous. I want it more than I ever thought I would. To raise our family's status like this," Namjoon shook his head excitedly. "I would go down in history."

"You're sure ambitious."

Namjoon looked into the mirror making eye contact with himself. "I sure am."

"We'll see how ambitious of a suitor you are without socks." His brother mumbled.

Little did they know, down several levels of the castle in the knight's quarters, another man also stared into his own eyes in the mirror.

Hoseok stood looking at his fanciest knight's uniform, hoping it would catch y/n's eye as he accompanied her tonight. His mind wondered to the suitors. He imagined how he would compare to them. Could he beat them in a fight? Were they more handsome than him? More charming? He felt a ping of jealously but shook his head at the thought. He was just a knight, nothing more. There was nothing noble about him and therefore he could never be with the princess. He felt frustrated and angry. These men didn't even know her but now she was going to be forced to marry one of them. She had known him for years and years and she wasn't even allowed to look at him as a possible suitor.

It wasn't fair. He knew almost everything about her. Even when they were apart, he would ask the servants constantly about her. Was she doing well? Was she happy? She was his best friend. He had always known he'd loved her, but to him it was always an older brother kind of love. Now, after seeing her again and realizing she had grown into a headstrong, beautiful woman, it was hard to deny those feelings had turned romantic.

He worried about the suitor's motives. Did they only want her for her status? For her wealth? She was so much more than all those things. His mind raced with thoughts until he was interrupted by the sound everyone had been waiting for. The castle bells began to ring.

All throughout the castle, the suitor's heads turned in the direction of their chamber windows. The sound rang all through the castle grounds and seeped into the villages nearby. It sent shivers down manys backs as it was the first time in a long time those bells had rung. You heard it from your chambers and felt goosebumps run down your arms.

The suitors began to emerge from their chambers and head towards the ballroom. The castle bustled and rushed with people. Both guests attending the ball and servants working it hustled about to get to where they needed to be.

Suitor or not, everyone was excited to see the princess. She was a great mystery to most of the kingdom and caused a thick layer of excitement to coat the crowd. It didn't take too long for the grand ballroom to fill with fluttering gowns and expensive suits. The smell of food washed over the room as a table was covered with tasty and steaming food. The ballroom was grand. Just what you would expect in a royal castle. It made the shape of a long rectangle with gold chandeliers hanging, lighting up the room brightly. On one end were the doors that reached all the way up to the incredibly high celling. One wall was covered with doors that lead out to a large patio, overlooking the sea. The other wall had a small upper level to look out into the room. On the other side, parallel to the entrance, was a grand staircase. You would be standing at the top of it to meet your suitors.

As the ballroom was almost at its capacity, Sir Taehyung made eye contact with Sir Namjoon from across a few people. Taehyung could immediately tell he was another suitor and vice versa. Their looks were cold, but brief.

In a similar situation, Jungkook caught eye of Yoongi. Sir Yoongi didn't seem to see Jungkook stare at first, but Jungkook got a bad feeling from looking at the older boy. Min Yoongi didn't seem nervous or fazed at all that he was about to meet the princess. Jungkook looked him up and down and felt intimidated. Jungkook concluded that the man was either very confident in himself, or something was wrong. He decided to keep an eye on him.

The energy was high, and anticipation was higher. When would the princess show her face? The room buzzed as everyone waited for the guest of honor, you.


Your blood rushed through your veins at a dangerous rate. You were dressed up like a doll and had been escorted down to the small room that lead out to the top of the grand staircase in the ballroom. The doors were closed but you could already feel the hundreds of pairs of eyes on you. You felt sick, but that may have been due to the fact that you still hadn't ate anything all day. You swallowed hard.

"Princess." A familiar voice from behind you.

You turned to see one of the only people who could settle your nerves at a time like this. "Hobi." You smiled. You were surprised at his appearance. You'd never seen him in his proper knight attire. He looked very handsome.

"Are you ready?" He asked lowly as guards rushed to ready the doors for your entrance.

The music coming from inside the room made you dizzy. "No." You almost whispered.

He let out a small laugh. "Don't worry, y/n. I'll be right by your side."

You nodded and felt the blood drain from you face as you heard the ballroom go quiet. A man's voice boomed from behind the closed doors and you tried to breath evenly. "May I present to you, Princess y/full/n!"

It was time. 


I hope you liked the chapter! The next chapter is sooooo exciting because we get to officially get introduced to all the boys!!! Thanks so much for reading and if you liked it remember to comment and vote! 

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