Faline lost her footing and tripped, falling onto the pavement and scraping her elbow.

"Faline!" Rebecca called out, speeding towards her. She picked the girl up and checked her wound.

"That hurt" Faline pouted. Rebecca sighed and walked faline in from the courtyard and to the dining room. She set her on the table and put her finger up.

"Stay here" she ordered, before turning and speeding to the kitchen. Faline let her feet dangle from the side of the table, not even close to reaching the ground.

Rebecca came back with paper towel, peroxide and a band-aid. Faline recognized the brown bottle right away and started to squirm.

"Bekka no" she whined, knowing the brown bottle would bring more pain.

"Faline, we've been through this before. This will help clean the wound, you have no idea whats been on the ground in the court yard" Rebecca replied. Just thinking about the blood and bodies made her shiver.

"Now be a good girl and hold your arm out" she spoke. Faline shook her head and scooted to the left a bit. "Faline" Rebecca warned.

"Good evening" a voice spoke from the doorway. Rebecca and Faline turned to see Elijah standing in his exspensive suit eyeing the two girls.

"Elijah" Rebecca greeted relieved.

"Whats going on here?" He asked, motioning to faline and rebecca with his hand.

"Faline fell and cut her elbow open. I'm trying to clean it,but she's protesting against it" Rebecca replied. Elijah walked in with a smile and stood his place in front of faline. He gently reached for her arm. Faline allowed him to take it and examine her cut.

Elijah shook his head and sucked his teeth. "What are we going to do with you huh?" He asked with a smile, Faline giggled causing Rebecca to smirk as well.

"We have to clean it, you of all people know whats been on the courtyard ground" Rebecca stated to her eldest brother.

"Ah yes" Elijah replied, his smile quickly fading. He couldn't even begin to count how many gallons of blood had touched the cobbled surface of their courtyard. Rebecca grabbed the bottle and poured a bit onto the paper towel. The towel absorbed it quickly as she set the bottle back down. She reached for falines arm again, but the little girl was not having it.

"Come on faline"Rebecca spoke, getting annoyed from the child's lack of stillness . Elijah picked up Faline from the table and set her onto his hip. Faline burrowed her head into elijahs neck, knowing exactly what was coming next. He gently pulled her arm out from under her body and held it in the open. Elijah gave Rebecca, a slight nod telling her to proceed with her intended actions.

Rebecca placed the towel onto Falines open wound, causing her to tense up and whine into the old vampires neck. Faline tried to pull her arm back in, but elijah held it steady. Her futile movements were no match for his thousands of years of strength.

"Shhh...shhh" he hushed her as she moved her face into his exspensive jacket. Rebecca quickly finished and placed a band aid on the sanitized wound. "There, that wasn't so bad was it?" Elijah asked. Faline was still upset and kept her face hidden. Elijah smirked and Rebecca only rolled her eyes as she put the medical materials away.

"She likes you more, you know" Rebecca said, before walking to the kitchen. Elijah chuckled and gently pulled Faline away from his body.

"I don't know about, that I know someone she absolutely loves" he smiled, brushing some hair behind her ear. As if on cue a loud clap came from the courtyard.

"Wheres my little fawn!" A voice announced, cheerfully. As soon as the sound reached falines ears, she squirmed out of elijahs arms and dropped to the floor. Running out of the dining room and into the courtyard, completely forgetting about the scrape on her elbow.

"Marcelly" She cried happily, seeing the tall dark man standing by the running fountain. Marcel spotted the little wolf running to him and he quickly took a knee. Faline jumped into his arms and he stood up, lifting the girl onto his side.

"There you are" he grinned. Faline smiled and raised her arm, showing marcel the band aid. "What happened?" He asked worriedly.

"She took a fall. Apparently she likes to run" Elijah informed marcel, with a smirk as he slowly walked out into the courtyard. Marcel nodded excepting the answer, he looked around confused by the silence.

"Where is everyone? I thought dinner was at 7"

"Well, Klaus and Kol stopped at the bar and Camille and Freya are still out getting some stuff" Elijah replied.

"Which they should be back any minute now" Rebecca announced as she came walking into the courtyard, just behind Elijah. "I just got off the phone with freya, apparently she didn't see Kol or Klaus at the bar" she informed the two men.

Marcel raised his eyebrow confused. Elijah gave off the same exspression.

"Well, I'm sure their fine" Elijah spoke, reasuringly.

"Right"Marcel replied, he galnced down at Faline who had taken interest in his jacket's zipper. "Why don't you show me some of your toys" he suggested to the little girl.

"Ok!" Faline replied, letting his zipper go. Marcel set Faline down and she grabbed his hand leading him past Elijah and Rebecca, all the way up the stairs and down the hall. Falines room was painted by klaus on the third night she had stayed in the house. He thought that she needed something that reflected upon her personality.

Klaus had named Marcel and it was ironic that he had given Faline her name as well. He told his siblings that she gave off a freelance sense of wonder and beauty. Two things that were in nature, hence forth her name, Faline. Marcel was the one who began calling her a fawn when she started to walk. Because instead of walking normally, she bounced and pranced around like a little deer.

With all these traits in mind, Klaus made her room look like a forest, with the help of Rebeccas interior decorating of course. Faline pulled Marcel into her room and dropped his hand, as she ran to the side of her bed, picking a stuffed wolf up from the fluffy blankets. She turned around and walked over to Marcel, holding it up for him to see.

"Wow look at that" he spoke, faking his amazed tone for the child's sake. "What's his name?" he asked, gently taking the wolf from Faline's hands.

"Blue" Faline informed him, grinning from ear to ear as she watched Marcel admire the stuffed dog.

"That is a very good name" he replied, handing the wolf back to her. Faline began to show Marcel everything she had, from toys in her toy box to drawings on her small desk that Klaus had handcrafted. Marcel played with faline in her room, until Klaus appeared in the doorway.

"Well aren't you two thick as theives" he stated with a grin. Marcel looked up from the floor at the sound of Klaus's voice and rolled his eyes. "Camille and Freya are back and I'm sure this little wolf is hungry" he stated, as he walked into the room.

Niklaus picked Faline up from the ground, setting her against his chest, with one hand under her rump. He noticed the band-aid planted on her elbow, his face furrowed in what seemed like anger. Marcel noticed his quick mood change and quickly rose from the floor of Faline's room.

"She fell, it's just a scrape" Marcel stated. Niklaus only nodded, he turned exiting the room with marcel behind him.

Faline; Torn Between Worlds Where stories live. Discover now