"Thanks," you murmur into his chest, your nose filling with his strong cologne. He didn't seem irritated or angry with you. Maybe he understood your unsureness and wanted to make you feel comfortable, which brought you some sense of peace.

A knock pulls you back into reality, your arms immediately moving back to your sides. You turn your attention to the door and look through the open blinds. Reid.

Luke brushes past you and opens the door, his eyes meeting Reid's. "Hey, we were just talking. Is there something you need?"

He cranes his neck to look at you, "Yeah, Prentiss needs to see Y/N," he says in a monotone voice. You gazed into his eyes, pinpointing the lie that was hidden in them. Luke wouldn't be able to tell, but you could see it clearly.

Luke turns his head towards you and smiles softly. You return the smile and swiftly walk out of the empty office, following Reid. You swivel your head back to see Luke making his way back to his desk. He wasn't able to see that Reid was definitely not taking you to Prentiss' office.

"I think you're taking me the wrong direction," you laugh faintly, picking at your cuticles.

"What were you doing?"

"Hugging my friend," you grin, "Why, are you jealous?"

"It's not a fun sight."

"I could say the same thing about the day I saw you eat Cat's face off in front of your apartment," you spit. You remember the day like it was yesterday. The way your stomach bubbled in envy at the sight in front of your eyes. The way he grabbed her face and pounced his lips onto hers was heart breaking. You wanted to be Cat in that moment.

"You're serious?" he asks dully, stopping at the end of the dimly lit hallway.

"Oh yeah, seeing someone I considered attractive shove their tongue down someone else's throat is a beautiful sight," you say sarcastically, rolling your eyes.

You had a small crush on Reid during your first few months at the BAU. It escalated into a larger crush, but then JJ confessed his love for him and he was completely under her spell. He went to therapy and well... you figured he wasn't going to like you, ever. So you forgot about it and kept your distance.

His face falls into a gloomy expression, his eyes scanning your face. You weren't upset over the retrieval of events, it was long ago and you overcame the small heartbreak. You pursed your lips and stood still in front of him.

"I'm sorry." He steps in closer to you and you step back, your stance awkward- your fingers fiddling with one another and your bottom lip trembling.

He seemed to grow attached to you as the days passed by. You found yourself finding him more attractive every day as well, but you disagreed with the path your emotions and feelings were trying to take. You could tell he wanted a relationship, someone to be with, and although you've fantasized about being his girlfriend multiple times, you weren't ready for a relationship.

Statistics have shown that many relationships fail due to the partners moving at different speeds, and you didn't want to hurt him due to your indecisiveness.

His eyebrows knit together and a crease forms between them. He looks offended, you could see it taking over his body. A pang of guilt hits you and you stop in your tracks, himself pausing as well.

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