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Caden Davina

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Caden Davina. Lia couldn't say his name and always tried not to think about him but when the Maurauders walked into the small London cafe, Caden was all she could think about. Blood,screams and broken promises. It was all she could think about sitting behind the counter waiting for the family to leave.

Suddenly a loud babble is found beside as she looks down she sees a baby. Harry Potter. Despite knowing what happened to her brother and why she could never hate a baby. He was innocent, in this world of hate in darkness he was light.

She bent down to pick him up and she whispered, "Would you like a muffin sweetheart?" The boy immediately nodded at the thought of the small cake.

With a toddler hoisted on her shoulder she walks to get a chocolate chip muffin and offers it to sweet boy as his eyes grow wide as he grabs it and smashes it to his mouth.

Lia chuckles and says, "Well that's one way to do it. Should we find mummy and daddy?"

Harry takes a moment and says, "What your name?"



She wanted to correct him but simply couldn't as she stared into his big doe eyes.

"LeeLee." She confirms as he smiles and carries on eating his muffin. Wondering if his parents would grow worried she walks to their table to find 3 out of 4 adults asleep.

Remus Lupin smiled at the sight of the young woman with his honorary nephew.

"Hey bud, where did you go." He says reaching for the child but as soon as Lia try's to hand him over he loudly wails and clings to her. Lia's face is colored with confusion as the other three snort awake to find their son nestled in the arms of a waitres, refusing to let go.

It was then that Lia saw how tired they looked. They had all gone to school together and although they hadn't talked at all. They both had dark bags under their eyes as their eyes were tired and they had just fallen asleep at a cafe.

"What's going on?" Lily questions as she goes to reach for her son Harry lets out a loud wail and burrows even deeper into Lia's neck.

"I don't understand what's going on, truly. He simply walked up to me I gave him a muffin and brought him back." Lia says baffled at the small child in his arms.

"He likes you. A lot."James said, amused at the situation.

Lily eventually is able to pry a screaming child alway from the poor waitress as Remus looks at them with interest and Sirius is utterly bored.

"Harry hates most people, he's shy and doesn't trust. I can't get why he likes you so quickly." Lupin mused as he smiles at the girl.

Remus studies the young women and is shocked at how he had never talked to her during school. She striking features. She has a soft smile that seems to be permanently etched on her skin and big brown eyes as if they were begging to let out kindness. She crouches to Harry and sternly said, "Kiddo, you can't cry like this. Mummy is tired so give her break, yeah." She sternly says.

To everybody's surprise the cries stop and he sniffles, "Sorry LeeLee." Lia grins and pats his head as she faces the group with a sorrowful look and says, "I'm really sorry about how I acted earlier, let's call a truce and I get you a free drink whenever you come in next." She smiles as Remus replies kindly , "That'd be great."

As she walks away Harry immediately says, "Where LeeLee go?"

"She went back to work." Lily says trying to calm him down as he immediately starts to cry.

The group quickly got up to leave but once Harry saw Lia he struggled out of his mother's grasp and waddled over to the woman.

Lia turned to see the adorable boy once more witch his arms stretched out. Not missing a beat she picked him up and spun him around as he squealed with joy. When she saw the groups frozen behind him she couldn't stop the next word out of her mouth, "I can watch him for you, one of you can stay and supervise."

James and Sirius looked excited at the idea of a few child-free hours but Lily looked hesitant.

"I can stay with them, you rest." Remus assured, intrigued by the young witch.

Lily reluctantly agreed as she kissed her sons head and bid him goodbye after a running Sirius and James.

"And then there were three." She sighs as he smiles at her. Harry was slowly starting to drift off so Lia went to tell Bets she was taking her break.

As she sat down a comfortable table, Remus opposite she smiled and started a conversation.

"What brings you here." She asks

"Oh we all brought Harry to the zoo, he hated it though."Remus chuckles remembering the boy's screams at the monkey and Sirius' at that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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