chapter 2 mates, friends, and family

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3rd person~

when they pulled apart Sirius laughed "oh James would kill us Remy" Remus laughed as well. harry looked at them confused, Sirius looked at him and explained "James wouldn't approve of his two bestfriends being mated to his baby boy" he smirked "when we die he's gonna kick our asses" Harry nodded still a little confused "but I'm not his son" Sirius' brow furrowed and Remus frowned "but- we were there when you were born" "yes you were but it wasn't with the Potters. Sirius you know that" a voice said behind them. They looked over and saw Severus walking towards them "Severus I think I would remember who my godsons parents are" Severus' brow furrowed "Somethings not right" he thought about it for a second before a dawning look formed on his face "I'll be right back" he said before storming off going to find Fenrir and Lucius.

Severus' pov~

I walked into the kitchen and saw Fenrir and Lucius having a serious conversation at the table. "how do you not remember your own godson" "how am i supposed to remember if i didn't know i even had a godson?" lucius demanded "because you were there!" Fenrir boomed I interuppted them before it got physical "Fenrir something isn't right here. i just talked to Sirius and Remus and they thought Hadrian was James and Lilys kid" Fenrir growled "Why would they think those traitors are his parents?" "I don't  know but I think a trip to Gringotts is in order. Go gather Tom, Cissy, and Bella I'll get Sirius, Remus and Harry and we'll leave" Fenrir nodded and went to find the others "Luc come on" i said softly. he got up hesitantly at hearing my soft tone. 

We walked to where I last saw them and was surprised to see them hugging a crying Hadrian and Sirius and Remus look outraged. "What caused all this?" I asked getting angrier to longer I saw my baby crying. Sirius looked at him, eyes blazing "Harry helped us remember everything and when i say everything i mean everything" Remus picked up where he left off "Sev were sorry for what we did to you back in school we. Dumbledore brought me and Sirius to his office one day in fifth year telling us he was disappointed in us for befriending a slytherin and cast a compulsion spell on us to make us hate you and anything dark."  I nodded shocked having not heard that nickname since fifth year "you are forgiven Remy, Siri" that brightened there moods a little. I walked over to Harry "Harry dear would you mind doing what you did to Remus and Sirius to Lucius here?" Harry peaked at me and nodded extracting himself from his mates and walked over to Lucius.

Harry's pov~

When I got to Lucius I gestured for him to move closer. When he did I put my hand on his forehead my eyes glowing. I moved around in his mind looking for imaginary walls blocking memories or fake memories. When I was finished I moved my hand away the glow fading to see Lucius crying.

Lucius' pov~

As Harry moved around in my head memories started to either be replaced or flood back into my mind falling into the right places. I started to cry seeing the happy family memories that I had forgotten, the birth of my son and later my godson. I cried for the lost times with my godson and two of my bestfriends. When Harry left my mind I looked down at him and pulled him into tight hug "I'm so sorry for forgetting Hadrian" I whispered sadly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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