The Day it Happened : Chapter 1

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The scariest thing ever is to wake up to a completely unrecognizable face in a uninhabited hospital.

"OH MY GOSH! Shes alive! Shes alive!" said the man who woke me.

"Good, now lets check her pupils to see if she is infected yet. If she is you know what to do with her."

"What? Whats going on the last thing i remember is a...a... man tried to save me but i don't know from what." I muttered.

There was multiple people in my hospital room observing me with many weapons.

"Hi, my names Becca, we're here to help. there has been a outbreak." said a woman on my other side.

Did she just say outbreak? So many thoughts raced through my head. I was starting get short of breath, then i felt my heart beat multiply, I was catching an anxiety attack.

"Did you just say a outbreak?!" I asked with the least amount of air I could use.

"Don't panic... but yes unfortunately there has been a outbreak virus a scientist made to experiment on a chimp but the chimp flipped out and bit the scientist and the scientist flipped and well, now we're here." said a third man who had overalls with the name 'Richard' on it.

" Are we the only people alive? OH MY GOSH MY BROTHER!"

"Woah, calm down crazy." said a familiar voice.

" You have no! -" then i saw my only family member left after my parents died in a very vicious storm overseas, my big brother Matthew. He popped his head from around the corner.

" Aww Ava, look what i found you in the nurse's station." He said showing me my asthma pump along with a bag of pumps. " Are you okay? Here, breathe. We have to go, so get your clothes on and grab a gun. For you i suggest a AK-47 because you're a bit slow...sorry."

The moment my own over protective brother told me , his 15 year old sister to grab a gun is when I realized my life has officially changed.

Two days past. Its been the craziest two days of my life. I now had 93 head shots apparently. I guess ive been a big help since Im smaller therefore I fit it smaller places so when the infected come I can start affecting the swarm. About a week ago I was nearly crushed by a rather prodigious infected. It was remarkable I began trying to do calculations of the intensity since (I take college prep) yesterday but I don't remember how my goal is to figure out a vaccine for these infected.
"Ava, Ava, get up" Matt whispered.
" The only time I thought it might actually be ok to sleep-" Matt put his hand over my mouth.
"Shh , they got in I don't know how but they did." He explains  as we walk around our extremely secure ware house we found.
" Everyone is packing. We need to find a safe spot." said Matt
" I know we could find Center of Disease Control and Prevention in Georgia." I suggested.

"Oh I see where you're going with this, Becca and you can try to find a cure."
"Becca? Why ?" I asked since I past biology with flying colors.
" She was a forensic anthropologist." replied Matt
" So what is she going to do find a corpse and possibly have it kill us?!" I said sarcastically.
"Hey, remember you have to whisper. Plus you never know she might be of help."

Two days past we made it to DeKalb County, Georgia where the CDC is. Nobody was there except for plenty of infected, which is the most nauseating sight ever. We had to fight through two swarms of infected and one of the prodigious infected. As we walked into the darkened building there was crowds of them in some rooms that we had to take care of. We had to clear every room to be sure. As we walked up the stairs I heard screaming like ... like a child's scream. So we ran up the stairs anticipating what's to come. It was a corpse attacking a toddler, he had to be atleast two.
" Noooo!" I couldn't help but scream off the top of my lungs.
That was the moment he got bit I dropped to my knees, Matt shot the infected but, didn't relize he would have to shoot the baby.😢. The boy ran to me crying hysterically. Remarkably he didn't have a scratch or the bite mark, it was like he healed. He had a 'hello my name is ...' tag on I think they might very had a office party or something and he was a survivor. I ran into the rather large lab and switched for everything I might need. I also convinced the baby to come with us I saw his name sticker and it said " Jack or jack-jack" like his mother wrote it. 

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