"Morning," He said, yawning.

"Top of the morning," I said in a Irish accent.

"Its to early in the morning to laugh," John said, laughing.

"Whens the protest?" I asked.

"In an hour," John said, looking at his phone. "Hey, you look pretty cute in a skirt."

My face turned bright pink. W-wa- I-a-m-wha-wu-u-I- jkhgfchjk?  Did he just call me cute? Is this some weird dream? I almost actually pinched myself.

"I- um meant it looks good on you," John stuttered, also looking like a tomato. "You look like a girl. I mean not like offensively girls are great I mean like-"

"I get it," I said, trying to end the awkwardness.

"Okay," John said, sighing in relief.

We awkwardly sat on the couch together for a while.

"How do I look?" Suddenly Lafayette sad.

I looked up at him. He was wearing a very short blue skirt, and a black crop top. Honestly, he looked amazing. Nobody could ever pull of that outfit besides him.

"Great," I smiled.

"Alright, well, lets head over to the protest," Hercules said, walking over in a knee-length white skirt.

We reached the protest area quickly. All the boys wore skirts, all the girls wore pants. I caught sight of the Schuyler sisters running towards us, all wearing pants of course.

"Hey, Alexander's here!" Angelica said, she seemed very happy.

"Yeah, hes making a speech," John said, smiling over at me.

"Cool. Nice skirt," Eliza said.

"Thanks," I smiled, trying not to blush around her. 

"Well, lets get this thing going. Alexander, follow me towards the stage," Peggy said, grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

I blushed at our contact. Now a days I blush at everything related to touching a human being. Or looking at a human being. Bisexual issues! Peggy led me over towards a small wooden crate on the ground. What a stage. And she pushed me up on top of the crate.

"Now say your speech," Peggy said.

I looked out at the large crowd of what must be at least three quarters of the school.

"Ahem,"  said loudly and the people turned towards me.

Holy crapity crap. I thought, feeling a bit of stage fright.

"We gather here today, to express that we can be who we want to be. We can wear what we want to wear. We can act how we want to act. We can be whatever gender we want, regardless of what people say. We can love who we want to love. Everyone, students who attend this school and believe the dress code is un-just, civilians who join us today to protest for what is right. Us, together, as the people, want equal rights," I said as people cheered. Then I added;

"One more thing...."


"Why do you always say what you believe?" Lafayette laughed.

"You spoke for SIX HOURS!" John was still not over that fact.

"Bright young man," Hercules said, patting my back.

I smiled at them. We where at the small after party. Most of the people came just to get drunk and talk, I was just here to spend as much time as I could with my new friends before I had to leave. I really didn't want to leave John. I wish he could come with me.

"Alexander," I heard someone say.

I turned to see Thomas.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Alexander, lets get out of here," Lafayette said, tugging on my sleeve.

"I promised to talk to you later," Thomas said.

He wasn't wearing a skirt. But that didn't matter, maybe he didn't own any or something. That was fine, he was here, so he probably supported the cause. I watched John and the others tense. 

"So, I wanted to get to know you. Although, I know you'll be leaving for wherever you live soon. So exchange numbers?" Thomas asked.

"Sure," I said. "I'm 123-456-7899."

"I'm 123-456-7898," Thomas said.

I entered his number into my phone, and began a text group. I couldn't stop myself from blushing slightly at getting his number.

"I'll contact you later. You can hang out with your friends for now," Thomas said.

"Okay," I  said.

Thomas turned and walked away, staring at his phone as he made his way over towards a small group of mean-looking people.

"D-Did he just-" Hercules gasped.

"He didn't beat us up! And YOU GOT HIS NUMBER! Are you going to infinitely prank him and make his life terrible?" Lafayette asked.

"No! I'm just going to text him like I would text any of you," I said.

"But hes- like- The most evil person ever," Hercules said.

"Maybe in your opinion. He seems nice to me," I said.

"Hes tricking you! Hes manipulating you! Hes going to get you to be his friend then tell everyone your secrets. Especially with this acting career ahead of you, he could expose you once your famous," Lafayette said.

"Guys. Please. Don't judge Alexander. He can do what he likes. He knows Thomas is a absolute evil devil, and hes deciding to become close with him," John said.

"Sure," Hercules grunted.

"Lets just enjoy the rest of tonight," John suggested.

"Yeah," Lafayette said.

"Thanks," I whispered to John.

"Anything for you," John whispered back to me.

I blushed. He was so kind and adorable. And he said he'd do anything for me! I know I would do anything for him, always. No matter what happens. I swore I'd always be by his side.

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