Chapter 1

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„Invader Ari reporting for duty. My mission on planet Chorn is done. The planet's residents's been captured. It's ready for your arrival, Dads." Invader Ari, Irk's most successful invader, and also the Tallest's adoptive descendant, said to her parents on the screen. She was always like this. Her missions were always done quickly and well. Ari started to flip through files on her tablet. She already knew what her next mission is, but you know, they might as well make it official.
„Wonderful, Ari! Feel free to visit us in the Massive to get assigned your next mission." replied the Tallest Red while eating a bunch of donuts all at once.
„Sure." She looked away from her tablet onto the big screen and proudly smiled. Planet Ranch. She can plan bits of her invasion while flying into the Massive. „I will be there in about three hours." she informed her parents as she put her purple tablet in her ship. Her SIR Unit was already in the ship. She quickly ended the call as the Tallest said „Goodbye" and packed everything she got with her into the back of the ship. Ari was certainly happy with her result. Another planet under Irk's will. Operation Impeding Doom II is getting more and more real every day. She could feel it. With the progress she already made and she'll probably continue making, The Irken Empire will be stronger than ever.
She hopped into her ship and set the course to the Massive, then pressing on autopilot. She has to really prepare for this mission. Planet Ranch is quite hard to navigate, however, since Ari is obviously a superior species, she can in fact get the hang of it. It's not hard once you get it. Ari started preparing. She has to be lurking for at least a week to see how the citizens react to certain attacks. Then, she can find out the fastest way to attack the planet and there you have it, a planet free for the Irk's taking. All her plans were like this and they never failed her before.
After an hour, Ari got bored. She usually has something to do, but since her plan was very much thought out, she now didn't have anything to do. She started thinking about her life. She remembered the Tallest. It's not very common to have the leaders of the Irken empire as parents. She's been raised to be great, and to one day follow in their footsteps.
Even as little, she's been predicted to be great. The Tallest had to choose wisely if they'd have her be an Invader or a Commander. She actually firstly was supposed to be a Commander, trained by her friend and the Tallest's mutual, Commander Ali. But she eventually got bored of that and decided herself to be an Invader. She was quite a rascal as a smeet. She did pranks on the Tallest with Ali, skipped important tests and just skipped Invader training fully some days. Obviously, that lifestyle was really bad, and when sbe realized it, she stopped being so carefree and got more serious. It's why she takes small things so seriously now.
Ari decided to speed her ship so she'd be in the Massive quicker. She didn't like flying for so long, she wanted a new mission. Now, her way to the Massive would take 58 minutes.
Ari has been doodling on her tablet random things she saw in space for the past 57 minutes, and so she assumed they were close to the Massive. And indeed, they were. The Massive was bigger than she remembered, but that may just be her memory disc messing with her. She slowly landed on the so-called parking lot of the biggest spaceship in the entire known universe and got out of her own ship. Her SIR Unit stayed in her ship, as usual. Two irken soldiers went to her and saluted. She saluted back.
„Ari, the code is 8138." Ari said and the two irkens nodded and let her through the corridor, going behind her and leading her to a room the Tallest were currently occupying. It was the infamous leading room where the Tallest accepted calls and drove the Massive.
„My Tallest, Invader Ari, here to get assigned a new mission." one of the guards spoke up as the Tallest turned around to see their child. The guards quickly left the room as they knew what was about to happen.
„Ari!!" the Tallest Purple exclaimed as he quickly ran to Ari and hugged her tight. Ari patted him on the back and smiled. She liked when he hugged her. He always tightened the grip too much but she got used to it after some time. When he let her go, she just stared at him with satisfaction in her eyes. Her parents were the best she could ask for. She then took a look at the Tallest Red and proceeded to walk up to him and hug him.
„You're here early." Red pointed out as he hugged her back.
„Yeah, I couldn't wait to see you two again." Ari said excitedly as she let Red go. The crewirken either smiled or turned their eyes in disgust. She was liked by many irkens, however, some could not help but feel jelous. They all knew that if Ari'd get hurt in any way, the Tallest would most likely freak out.
Red loudly coughed into his hand to get attention on himself.
„Well, as you probably know, your next mission is on planet Ranch."
„Yes, I am aware. I have already started planning and I have calculated that with the best outcome, the invasion will be done in four weeks and five days." Ari smiled at her own brilliance. This will be a piece of cake.
„Ari, always two steps ahead." Purple pat Ari's head and warmly smiled at her. Ari smiled back.
„Well, so since you already started planning, will you need any extra supplies? Or a company? Who am I kidding, you're Ari, but you know, just in case..."
„Guys, I am certain I am prepared so far. I will not need any extra irkens either." Ari reassured Red as he hugged her again.
„Well then, good luck, Ari. We'll always care about you and we're proud of you." Red said as Purple joined in on the hug.
„Do you want donuts on your way? The planet's actually kinda far away and we have more than enough." Purple suggested as Ari's bones almost broke from the two tight embraces.
„Sure, Dads. I- can you let me breathe? My squidly spooch is unable to function." and with that, the Tallest let Ari go as she silently gasped for air. „Yes, donuts would be nice." she smiled at her already smiling Tallest.

„Well bye then." Tallest Purple said as Ari got in her ship.
„Call us as soon as you get on the planet! Or whenever you feel like it on the way there!" Red yelled as he waved along with Purple.
„Of course, Dads!" Ari waved back and immediately disappeared out of the two tall irken's sight.
„Gosh I love her so much." Purple said, resting his head on Red's shoulder.
„And I love you." Red said as he kissed Purple's forehead.

It was pretty peaceful. Ari was sitting in her ship, minding her own business. She was expanding her plan, and making ideas into even better ideas, and then she saw two ships obviously bigger then hers, right in front of her.
„Oh no..." she thought as she probably knew what was going on. They were having an argument. And those can get...very heated. Specifically with lasers and bombs.
She decided to just go around them and she tried to be as quiet as possible. That seemed to work, but then, she suddenly heard a deep voice yelling in her direction.
„HEY, IRKEN! GO FIND A DIFFERENT PLANET TO INVADE, YOU STINKIN' GREEN BEAN!!" this made Ari mad. Like, REALLY mad. The irken kind were the strongest and most advanced in the universe, yet there still were stupid, low life, insignificant creatures who did nothing but despise them. She wanted to say something back that would shut him up, but she decided to keep a cold head and avoid conflict, so she just went ahead.
„WHAT, AREN'T YOU GONNA SAY ANYTHING? ARE YOU TOO ADVANCED TO EVEN SPEAK?" Ari's antennas started to twitch. No. She can't just get in danger because some stupid alien said something that insulted her.
„YOU CAN'T EVEN ANSWER A SIMPLE QUESTION? YOUR LEADERS SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOU!" Okay, this is it. Ari stepped out of her ship. Ari's PAK opened to reveal four long identical spider-like legs, except there was a gun at the end of them all. Ari shot right into his ship. However, he could still shoot back. His shot went right trough her ship as the ship started shaking. Ari went right back in and the ship started glowing red.
„M-m-massive damage in - Engine-" the ship kept repeating the same thing and Ari started to panic.
„Shit." she whispered to herself as she tried to do literally anything to at least get out of there, but for some reason, this alien's one bullet managed to take a ton of damage. And as if it wasn't enough, he shot again.
„STOP!" Ari yelled at him in desperation. She can't do anything. Is she going to crash and die? She has to go somewhere.
Suddenly, she saw a planet not too far away from her. „I...I have to land somewhere." she thought and tried to navigate her way out there. „SIR, boost the ship." Ari ordered as the little purple robot quickly flew outside and pushed the ship. They were almost out of sight, when a bullet shot them once again. The ship has definitely stopped working now and they were about to crash.

Mission Failed Successfully (Invader Zim - Ari x Zim) Where stories live. Discover now