Unknown: "Well, we all know that's a lie."

Then all the people below him point their weapons at them.

???: "Who the hell are you?" 

???: " Smoke him!" One of them immediately commanded.

Drug dealers not listening? No problem. 

The guy with the red helmet simply pulled the trigger and fires his weapon, no one was killed. Not sure about the sudden color between their pants.

Unknown: "I said 'Sit down!'" He said in a demanding tone. 

As if this time, there will be a killing.

???: "You wanna die!? There is easier ways to kill yourself." - A guy with a coat yells at him.

Unknown: " Yeah, like yelling at the guy who's holding the AK-47."

He leans on the fence.

Unknown: "Listen to me, you drug-peddling scumbags. I will be running the drug trade from now on. You eight are the most prosperous street dealers in Gotham. I'm offering you morons a deal. You go about your business as usual, but kick up 40 percent to me." He shortly paused and leaned comfortably. "That's a much sweeter deal than the scraps Black Mask is leaving you. In return, you will have total protection from both Black Mask and Batman. But you stay away from kids and schoolyards. No dealing to children got it? If you do... you're dead."

He says as they listen to his offer.

???: "Okay, crazy man, this is all very generous. But why in the hell should we listen to you?"

A bag is dropped on the table. The man walks to it and unzips it... The smell was bad, let alone the view.

Others are shocked, some back away, as one guy throws up.

???: "Damn." - Says the black guy while zooming to the view.

Unknown: "Those are the heads of all your lieutenants. That took me two hours." He reloads the gun. "You wanna see what I can get done in a whole evening? Make no mistake. I'm not asking you to kick in with me. I'm telling you!"

He then fires the remaining bullets at them as they jump on the ground. 

And suddenly, the firing stops. 

They look up but all that they could see was a cloud of smoke as the guy with a red helmet just...disappears.

???: "Forty percent works for me." - Says a guy with a coat to his fellow.


It was the next day, as I'm looking at the Gotham port. I threatened 3 guys to steal a shipment from a Black Mask, just to make him get my attention because he was a part of my plan.

But of course, Batman had to appear. When I saw my old mentor, I got angry. Not just he didn't avenge my death by killing the Joker but also replace me as Robin. 

This time is his actual blood is in the Robin costume.

From the information I got, his name is Damian. He was born because Bruce had an after with Talia al Ghul in a one-night stand. 

And that reminds me that her father -Ra's al Ghul- who brought me back to life, using a Lazarus pit.

It didn't just give me more strength... but I can feel I have something more than just that. Something in me, like magic. 

But my thoughts are interrupted as I now see Batman and Dick aka Nightwing, who appeared while I was in my thoughts. I always considered Dick as my older brother, but even he didn't avenge me. 

Dark Love: Male Red Hood Reader X Raven - DCAMU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now