89. Family Pains

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Nic slid into the Great Hall and sat next to Tyriq at the staff table. "Professor Potter," Nic said with a teasing smile.

"Professor Potter," he replied with a warm smile before he kissed her cheek. Tyriq had decided when they got married to end the Hufflepuff line forever, taking his wife's name instead of her taking his, so he had become Tyriq Potter. Soon the first years filed into the Great Hall and Nic spotted Zeph nudge Hadassah and point up to the staff table.

"Granger-Weasley, Rose!"


"Malfoy, Scorpius!"


"Potter, Albus!"


"Potter, Hadassah!"

"RAVENCLAW!" Nic smiled proudly at her daughter as she headed over to the Ravenclaw table.

"Potter, Zephaniah!"

"SLYTHERIN!" Nic and Tyriq both gave him a smile as he joined Scorpius and Albus.

The year passed painfully, Nic doing what she could to protect Scorpius, but it seemed his new friend needed more protecting than he did. Albus seemed to constantly be shunned and told he wasn't good enough to be a Potter. Soon a new year began. And another. Nic had just finished packing to go the hogwarts when a knock on the door caught her attention. "Draco?" she greeted worriedly as Tyriq appeared behind her. Draco collapsed in tears as Tyriq rushed forward, embracing his best friend.

"S-She's gone!" Draco cried, hugging Tyriq tightly as he sobbed. Nic and Tyriq shared a sympathetic look over Draco's shoulder. Tyriq gave her a look and Nic nodded, understanding he wanted to talk to Draco alone. Nic headed upstairs to the children.

"Zeph," Nic said quietly, sitting down on his bed next to him. "Are you and Scorpius still close?"

"Of course," he replied. "Why?"

"Uh, his mum just passed away," Nic explained. "So...I need you to be there for him this year, okay? I'm going to try to, but he needs his friends right now."

"Okay, Mum," he replied, hugging her.

"You're a good boy, Zeph," Nic said. "I'm so proud of you, you know that?"

"I know, Mum," he replied. "Mum, Albus said once that he thought his dad didn't know how to be a dad. Why is that?"

"Well," Nic sighed. "Harry never had a dad of his own. The only parent figures we had were...not good people. It's hard sometimes for us to be good parents."

"But you're a great parent," Zeph countered. "I mean, you could let us have candy more often, but-" Nic laughed, hugging her son tightly.

"I love you, Zeph."

"Love you too, Mum," he replied. Nic got up and went back downstairs. Draco and Tyriq were sitting at the table looking rather somber. Draco's eyes were red and puffy when Nic set a cup of tea in front of him with a small smile.

"I'm really sorry, Draco," Nic said quietly. He nodded, quickly wiping a tear from his cheek.
"How are they fourteen all ready?" Nic asked, glancing from her two children to her husband.

"No idea," he chuckled, kissing her temple. With a sigh, he admitted, "I just wish Zephaniah wasn't struggling so much." Nic sighed. Both parents had noticed their son's drop in mood during third year. His fellow students had begun teasing him mercilessly for his friendship with Scorpius and Albus. Hadassah was doing brilliantly, but Zeph wasn't doing so well. A harsh knock on the door caught Nic's attention.

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